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Time Series

Time series data represent data collected over a given period of time at a specific location. DELFT-FEWS can read and write time series in XML format (see fileformats.xsd) described below. Time series files can contain both equidistant times series and non-equidistant series. Multiple time series can be stored in a single file. All time and date information is given in GMT unless otherwise stated. The default (and preferred) missing value definition is NaN.
Quality flags are constructed on a philosophy of two qualifiers. The first described the origin of the data and the second the quality.
Possible origins of data are:

  1. Original: This entails the data value is the original value. It has not been amended by DELFT-FEWS
  2. Completed: This entails the original value was missing and was replaced by a non-missing value.
  3. Corrected: This entails the original value was replaced with another non-missing value.

Possible qualifiers are:

  1. Reliable: Data is reliable and valid
  2. Doubtful: The validity of the data value is uncertain
  3. Unreliable: The data value is unreliable and cannot be used.

See Appendix 11D for a tabular presentation of the quality flags.

schema file, root element

Example file

pi_timeseries.xsd, Timeseries


The XML file holds a header containing metadata for the time series. Time series may either be equidistant or non-equidistant. This is indicated in the timestep element.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<TimeSeries version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:target="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="
<startDate date="1967-08-13" time="14:00:00"/>
<endDate date="1967-08-13" time="15:00:00"/>
<fileDescription>Very short series for Rockenau</fileDescription>
<event date="1967-08-13" time="14:00:00" value="3.1" flag="0"/>
<event date="1967-08-13" time="15:00:00" value="-999"/>
<startDate date="1967-08-13" time="14:00:00"/>
<endDate date="1967-08-13" time="15:00:00"/>
<fileDescription>Very short series </fileDescription>
<event date="1967-08-13" time="14:00:00" value="3.1" flag="0"/>
<event date="1967-08-13" time="15:00:00" value="NaN"/>
<event date="1967-08-13" time="18:00:00" value="7.1"/>

The structure of the XML schema is given in the figures below. Note that attributes are not displayed in the figures. Consult the full schema (+documentation) for details.

(Time series) Location

Time series location data files identify points at which specific times series exist. A point is represented by X, Y and Z co-ordinates. If no geographical datum is supplied LOCAL is assumed.

schema file, root element

example file

pi_locations.xsd, Locations


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Locations xmlns="" xmlns:target="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" pi_locations.xsd" version="1.1">
<stationName>Mozel 34</stationName>
<stationName>Hupselse beek</stationName>
The structure of the XML schema is given in the figures below. Note that attributes are not displayed in the figures. Consult the full schema (+documentation) for details.

Map (stacks) data (grids)

Maps stacks are time series of grid data. Map stacks that hold one time step are treated as static data. The maps themselves are stored in either binary or ASCII file(s) but the description and the information needed to import them into the DELFT-FEWS database is stored in an XML file.
Each time step is stored in a separate ASCII/PCRaster based file or in a single USGS BIL file. In the former the order of the maps is determined by the file extension and up to the last four characters of the first part of the filename:
(eg. evap0000.001, evap0000.002 .... evap0000.999, evap0001.000). This limits the size of a stack of maps to 9999999.

schema file, root element

example file

pi_mapstacks.xsd, Mapstacks


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<MapStacks xmlns="" xmlns:target="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" pi_mapstacks.xsd" version="1.1">
<startDate date="2003-09-09" time="18:00"/>
<endDate date="2003-09-09" time="20:00"/>
<usgs file="file://allvpd.bil" header="file://allvpd.hdr"/>
<!--Three maps are defined, starting at 18:00, ending at 20:00-->
<event date="2003-09-09" time="18:00"/>
<event date="2003-09-09" time="19:00"/>
<event date="2003-09-09" time="20:00"/>
The structure of the XML schema is given in the figures below. Note that attributes are not displayed in the figures. Consult the full schema (+documentation) for details.

The following three formats are allowed for the actual grids:

  1. ESRI .ASC ASCII file grids (see appendix B3)
  2. USGS BIL, BIP, BSQ files (with a separate header, see appendix B2)
  3. PCRaster maps (see appendix B1)

Netcdf for grid data

Besides the possibility to import/export grid data by map stacks DELFT-FEWS offers the possibility to import and export grid data in netcdf-format. Because the netcdf-format is self-describing the netcdf-file only is sufficient as input for DELFT-FEWS. When data is exported from DELFT-FEWS to a model the output will also only consist of a netcdf-file.
Netcdf will only be used to import/export the actual grid data. The mapping of the grid cells to real geographical coordinates will not be handled by the general adapter.
The netcdf-files must be compliant with the conventions described in this document. These conventions restrict the CF metadata conventions.

Module state data

Modules can have their state (i.e. all the data and parameters the module needs to restart) saved by DELFT-FEWS. Many different solutions are in use by current models. As such, DELFT-FEWS regards model state data as a black box, it is not parsed or interpreted by the system. Programs must specify a list of files and/or directories that DELFT-FEWS can save (and later restore).
The model data state file is an XML file in which a read and write location are specified for each file/directory. If the read location is a directory, the write location needs to be a directory also (and v.v).
Each state must include a timestamp indicating the date and time for which that state is valid. A module ID is included to identify to which module the state pertains.
The readLocation is the location the module adapter reads from, the writeLocation is the location the module adapter writes to. Consequently the general adapter will read the data from the writeLocation and write the data to the readLocation.

Schema file, root element

example file

pi_state.xsd, State


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<State xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" pi_state.xsd" version="1.1">
<stateName>Summer 1995</stateName>
<dateTime date="2003-06-06" time="10:00"/>
<stateLoc type="file">
<stateLoc type="directory">
The structure of the XML schema is given in the figures below. Note that attributes are not displayed in the figures. Consult the full schema (+documentation) for details.

Longitudinal profile

A Longitudinal profile describes a profile of (part of) a branch. For each point in a profile a chainage and a value are defined. Multiple profiles can be specified in a single file. Each profile can hold several timesteps, i.e. several instances of the same profile at different times.

schema file, root element

Example file



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Profiles xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" pi_profiles.xsd" version="1.1">
<locationId>some id</locationId>
<parameter>water level</parameter>
<startDate date="2003-09-09" time="13:00"/>
<endDate date="2003-09-09" time="14:00"/>
<event date="2003-09-09" time="13:00">
<xdata x="12" y="13" z="0" chainage="356" value="24.9"/>
<event date="2003-09-09" time="14:00">
<xdata x="12" y="13" z="0" chainage="356" value="24.9"/>
The structure of the XML schema is given in the figures below. Note that attributes are not displayed in the figures. Consult the full schema (+documentation) for details.

Module parameters

DELFT-FEWS can read and write module parameters in XML format. The format is described in the schema. Each file can contain a number of parameters that are (optionally) combined in parameter sets. A parameter can be a floating point value (with a specified minimum and maximum value), an integer value (also with a specified minimum and maximum value) or a Boolean value (either 0 or 1, false or true). Double long and Boolean values can have an allow adjust parameter that indicates if DELFT-FEWS may adjust the parameter in some sort of fitting exercise. String parameters can be used to store specific module information.

schema file, root element

example file

pi_parameters.xsd, parameters


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Parameters xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" pi_prameters.xsd" version="1.1">
<name>Van genuchten Alpha</name>
<doubleData alowAdjust="1" maxVal="0.6" minVal="0.01">0.12</doubleData>
<name>Van genuchten n</name>
<doubleData alowAdjust="1" maxVal="1.9" minVal="0.6">1.2</doubleData>
<name>Nr itterations</name>
<intData alowAdjust="0" maxVal="500" minVal="3">300</intData>
The structure of the XML schema is given in the figures below. Note that attributes are not displayed in the figures. Consult the full schema (+documentation) for details.

Lookup tables

To relate parameters in lookup tables two or three parameter lookup tables can be used (e.g. stage height to discharge tables). Each XML file can contain one or more relations. Optional information such as extrapolation type and the validity (time) of the relation can be added.

schema file, root element

example file

pi_table.xsd, table


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Table xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="
pi_table.xsd" version="1.1">
<startDate date="2003-09-09" time="13:00"/>
<extrapolation type="non"/>
<!-- The following defines a 2 rows by three columns matrix -->
<!--The items are processed per row-->
<item type="double">12</item>
<item type="double">30</item>
<item type="string">Waterlooo station</item>
<item type="double">13</item>
<item type="double">40</item>
<item type="string">Westeinder</item>
<!-- The end-result, in tabular form should look like this:
col1col2 col3
1230Waterloo station

The structure of the XML schema is given in the figures below. Note that attributes are not displayed in the figures. Consult the full schema (+documentation) for details.

Module diagnostics output

DELFT-FEWS uses the module diagnostics output format to report the results from modules to the user. The general adapter can also use these files. The diagnostics files can hold several warning levels attached to a line (message):
3 = info (information, all is well, e.g. :"SOBEK: program ended") 2 = warn (warning information. e.g. "SOBEK: high number of iterations") 1 = critical (critical problems. e.g. "SOBEK: no convergence") 0 = crash (full module crash. e.g. "SOBEK: ooops, what now?").

schema file, root element

example file

pi_diag.xsd, Diag


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Diag xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" pi_diag.xsd" version="1.1">
<line level="3" description="HVB Starting at 12:00 10 Nov 2002"/>
<line level="1" description="No improvement in optimisation"/>
<line level="3" description="Run ended at 12:03 10 Nov 2002"/>
<!--Each line/mesasage contains the actual text and a warning level.
each message/line has a level attached to it
3 = info (information, all is well, e,g, :"SOBEK: program ended")
2 = warn (warning information.
e.g. "SOBEK: high number of iterations")
1 = critical (critical problems. e.g. "SOBEK: no convergence")
0 = crash (full module crash. e.g. "SOBEK: ooops, what now?")
All levels higher than 3 are regarded as non-essential (debug) information-->
The structure of the XML schema is given in the figures below. Note that attributes are not displayed in the figures. Consult the full schema (+documentation) for details.


Polygon data identifies a specific area. For example, a catchment that contributes water to a specific branch. This data type consists of several elements, including a list of X and Y point locations that form the vertices of a polygon feature. The first and last points in this list are joined to form a closed polygon. Optionally a polygon centroid can be given. Usually this is the point to which precipitation input to (lumped) models must be interpolated.
Each polygon element can hold several events. As such, polygons can also be dynamic elements.

schema file, root element

example file

pi_polygons.xsd, Polygons


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Polygons xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="
pi_polygons.xsd" version="1.1">
<startDate date="1967-08-13" time="13:00:00"/>
<endDate date="1967-08-13" time="14:00:00"/>
<name>Flood Rhine</name>
<event date="1967-08-13" time="13:00:00">
<pt x="3.14159265358979" y="3.14159265358979" z="3.14159265358979" mark="1"/>
<pt x="3.14159265358979" y="3.14159265358979" z="3.14159265358979" mark="2"/>
<event date="1967-08-13" time="14:00:00">
<pt x="3.14159265358979" y="3.14159265358979" z="3.14159265358979" mark="0"/>
<pt x="3.14159265358979" y="3.14159265358979" z="3.14159265358979" mark="0"/>

The structure of the XML schema is given in the figures below. Note that attributes are not displayed in the figures. Consult the full schema (+documentation) for details.

  • No labels