Support Locations Module Configuration

The support locations module from Delft FEWS is used for checking the completeness of time series sets. These time series sets are a combination of a location or location set, parameter, time step and time period. The time series are checked on missing data for the same time instance. If all series have no valid data value for a time instance the support locations module will pop-up a display.

In stand alone forecasting system without backup profiles the situation may occur that not all required forecasts or historical data are available. For such events the system automatically forces the user to create a user defined set of observations or forecasts. In such cases the system shows a table with the names of a set of base locations, also called Support Locations. These are locations that are tagged by the user as being locations for which the user always knows the observed or forecasted values. The user has to complete the table before the forecast can be executed any further. These values will be used as the base data on which the forecast is made.

When available as configuration on the file system, the name of the XML file for configuring an instance of the support locations module called for example MeteoSupportLocations may be:

MeteoSupportLocations 1.00 default.xml


File name for the MeteoSupportLocations configuration.


Version number


Flag to indicate the version is the default configuration (otherwise omitted).

Figure 139 Elements of the supportStations configuration.


TimeSeriesSet defining the data to be used as support data. Only a single time series set may be defined, this time series set may include either a (list of) locationId's or a locationSetId.


TimeSeriesSets defining the data to be checked for missing data on the same time instance. Multiple time series sets may be defined, and each may include either a (list of) locationId's ar a locationSetId.

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