With this option a trend deviance can be undone using a  calibration timeseries.
The series to calibrate and the series to calibrate by can be choosen in the popup , see figure 1.1

Figure 1.1: Calibrate timeseries A by timeseries C

If the user didn't initially selected any timeseries in the table, all columns ID's  are available in the dropdows boxes, otherwise only the selected column ID's are available.
Column ID's can be found in the coloured area of the column headers .
Choose option "Apply to all times" if the modification should be done for the whole period visible in the table, without selecting all rows in the table.
Note that there is always one time selected in the the table, it is the first time by default.

The timeseries to calibrate must be an equidistant timeseries. The timeseries to calibrate by can be equidistant or nonequidistant timeseries.

Figure 1.2 shows the results of the amending of the timeseries A using calibration timeseries C.

Figure 1.2: Result of calibration of timeseries A by timeseries C

By selecting a certain period the calibration will only be performed for this period, see figures 2.1 and 2.2

Figure 2.1: Calibrate values in selected period

Figure 2.2: Result of calibration in selected period

Extensions since 2022.02

Since 2022.02 extra options are added:

Options to fill in specific start and end values and "Two way linear" are added. When these are used, there is no need to select a time series to calibrate by, the calibrated part of the selected time series will have the exact start and end value while keeping its "shape" for the values in between, this is achieved by applying a linear transformation for those values. Also changes made via the apply calibration can be reverted via the general "undo" button of the time series editor.

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