
Exports time series data to file in CSV format with an extensive header. The export type is BigModCsv.

This new export type has been implemented in the release 2024.01.

BigModCsv Export Configuration

The export contains three sections: the comment section, the header section and the timeseries values section.

The comment section is composed of 4 lines:

  • all properties, separated by commas, followed by the dispatch time
  • start time (day/month/year)  and end time (day/month/year) of the timeseries, separated by commas
  • fixed fields "Field,Precision,Infill,Last month" followed by the externalAttributeIds as configured in the order of configuration
  • end of comment indicator

The header section is composed of:

  • integer indicating the number of timeseries headers
  • for each timeseries, a line containing the values for "Field,Precision,Infill,Last month" followed by the externalAttributeIds
  • time series header line containing fixed fields [Dy, Mn, Year] followed by ordered list of locations using locationIdMap, the order follows the timeseriesset processing order

  • end of header indicator

The timeseries values section is composed of:

  • for each timestamp, the values for all timeseries, in the same order as in the header

Here is an example configuration:

Example config
        <string key="ModelVersion" value="6.73.4"/>
        <string key="property2" value="property 2"/>
    <exportAttribute internalAttributeId="MdbaSiteId" externalAttributeId="Site"/>
    <exportAttribute internalAttributeId="MeasurandId" externalAttributeId="Measurand"/>
    <exportAttribute internalAttributeId="QualityId" externalAttributeId="Quality"/>
    <exportAttribute internalAttributeId="Name" externalAttributeId="Name"/>
    <exportAttribute internalAttributeId="Description" externalAttributeId="Description"/>
        <timeSeriesType>simulated forecasting</timeSeriesType>
        <timeStep id="dayAEST"/>
        <readWriteMode>read complete forecast</readWriteMode>

and the corresponding export 

6.73.4 11/07/2011 14:42:23+10.00


FieldPrecisionInfillLast monthSiteMeasurandQualityNameDescription


140003MGI011903MGI01"Mid Condamine R1 - Cooby Creek - Gauged inflow (ML/d)"
240003MUI011903MUI01"Mid Condamine R1 - Oakey Creek - Ungauged inflow (ML/d)"







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