
This page describes the adapter for the CEH-snow model.

This adapter only consists of a pre-adapter which changes the exported state from FEWS under certain conditions.



The pre-adapter changes the exported state from FEWS. 

The adapter should have two properties defined drystoreparameter and wetstoreparameter.

These properties define the time series which define the value for the dry store parameter and the wet store parameter.

Both time series should only contain a single value! If there are more values exported the adapter will exit with an error.

The single value in the time series will be used as the new value for the wet store parameter and the dry store parameter.


An example of an exported warm state is give below:

4 1
48.51693 7.119265 16.37337 4.178326


The first two values on the third line are the dry store and the wet store values.

If the time series exported by FEWS contain a single value which higher than zero then the first two values should be replaced by the values from the time series.


In the case that a cold state is exported the logic is a bit different.

An example of a cold state is given below:

-1 -1

If the exported values for the dry store and wet store are valid (higher than zero) then the cold state is replaced by the following warm state.


4 1
<value dry store> <value wet store> 0.00000 0.00000


System requirements

  • This program needs Java version 1.8 or higher.
  • This program needs the following Java libraries:
    • castor-0.9.5p.jar
    • Delft_TestSupport.jar
    • Delft_Util.jar
    • Delft_PI.jar
    • Delft_PI_castor.jar
    • junit-4.8.2.jar
    • log4j-1.2.14.jar
    • xercesImpl.jar



                <description>run ceh snow preadapter</description>
                    <argument>path to pi run file</argument>
                    <file>path to log file</file>




  • No labels