Imports time series data from Global Surface Summary of Day Data files. 


The import can be used through <importType>GSOD</importType>. 

The import uses the "STN—" column as the locationId. It uses the "YEARMODA" column to determine the date and records the time as 0:00 that day. The following parameters are imported (with the parameterId in bold):

  • TEMP : the mean temperature.
  • TEMP_COUNT : the number of observations used in calculating the mean temperature.
  • DEWP : the mean dew point.
  • DEWP_COUNT : the number of observations used in calculating the mean dew point.
  • SLP : the mean sea level pressure.
  • SLP_COUNT : the number of observations used in calculating the mean sea level pressure.
  • STP : the mean station pressure.
  • STP_COUNT : the number of observations used in calculating the mean station pressure. 
  • VISIB : the mean visibility.
  • VISIB_COUNT : the number of observations used in calculating the mean visibility.
  • WDSP : the mean wind speed.
  • WDSP_COUNT : the number of observations used in calculating the mean wind speed.
  • MXSPD : the maximum sustained wind speed.
  • GUST : the maximum wind gust.
  • MAX : the maximum temperature.
  • MIN : the minimum temperature.
  • PRCP : the total precipitation.
  • SNDP : the snow depth.
  • FOG : indicator (1 = yes, 0 = no / not reported) for the occurrence of fog during the day
  • RAIN : indicator (1 = yes, 0 = no / not reported) for the occurrence of rain or drizzle during the day
  • SNOW : indicator (1 = yes, 0 = no / not reported) for the occurrence of snow or ice pellets during the day
  • HAIL : indicator (1 = yes, 0 = no / not reported) for the occurrence of hail during the day
  • THUNDER : indicator (1 = yes, 0 = no / not reported) for the occurrence of thunder during the day
  • TORNADO : indicator (1 = yes, 0 = no / not reported) for the occurrence of tornado or funnel cloud during the day

More information on the GSOD file format can be found on the NOAA website:


An example of a GSOD-file is given below.

Example of a GSOD-file
STN--- WBAN   YEARMODA    TEMP       DEWP      SLP        STP       VISIB      WDSP     MXSPD   GUST    MAX     MIN   PRCP   SNDP   FRSHTT
022540 99999  20180101    30.3 24    29.3 24   989.4 24   952.1 24    4.4 24    4.3 24    5.8  999.9    31.5    18.1   0.09G 999.9  011000
022540 99999  20180102    26.3 24    25.2 24   991.6 24   954.0 24    7.3 24    2.9 17    3.9  999.9    30.4     7.5*  0.13G 999.9  101000
022540 99999  20180103    -2.3 24    -5.6 24   999.0 24   960.0 24   14.4 15  999.9  0  999.9  999.9     5.2*   -9.6   0.14G 999.9  001000
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