Delft-FEWS may use a number of national coordinate system as geo-datum. These are referenced by all configurations requiring a definition of geodatum.

All coordinates are handled internally as WGS 1984 (longitude-latitude). To add a new coordinate system to Delft-FEWS, the transformation between WGS-1984 and that system will need to added as Java class to Delft-FEWS.

The lists of GeoDatum supported are (amongst many others):

+ WGS 1984 (Geographic projection; longitude-latitude)
+ SVY21 (Singapore)
+ Ordnance Survey Great Britain 1936 (Great Britain)
+ CH1903 (Switzerland)
+ Rijks Driehoekstelsel (The Netherlands)
+ Gauss Krueger Austria M34 (Austria)
+ Gauss Krueger Austria M31 (Austria)
+ Gauss Krueger Meridian3 (Germany)
+ TWD 1967 (Taiwan)

The user can also specify the UTM zone - this should be in the form UTM48N or UTM48S. The zones are shown below:

The geoDatum can also be configured as EPSG code, information on EPSG codes can be found on the internet (  The EPSG code is a 4-5 digit number  that represent the coordinate reference system definition. The acronym EPGS, comes from the, now defunct, European Petroleum Survey Group. In the Map Layer definition  of the Delft-FEWS Explore.xml or SpatialDisplay.xml the geoDatum can be configured as: <geoDatum>EPSG:26191</geoDatum>

A geoDatum can also be specified in a projection file, this file is many time available together with ArcInfo Shape files.

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