Requires JRE to be replaced with full JDK
For this functionality to work, it is necessary that the JRE is replaced by the full JDK.
Master Controller
- Replace the JRE in the Delft-FEWS bin folder with the full JDK.
- In the mc config add the following jvm options:
<jvmOption>-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError</jvmOption> <jvmOption>-XX:HeapDumpPath=/tmp</jvmOption>
where <file-path> is a path to valid writable file location.
Operator Client / Forecasting Shell
- Replace the JRE in the Delft-FEWS bin folder with the full JDK.
- In the clientConfig.xml add the following jvm options:
<jvmOption>-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError</jvmOption> <jvmOption>-XX:HeapDumpPath=<file-path></jvmOption>
where <file-path> is a path to valid writable file location.