Connecting an additional Sacramento model

The catchment name is e.g. 'SC02' or 'E_70'. This name should match the name of the folder and should always have precisely four characters. In this example we use [SC02], any other catchment can be used for this. Copy the example of SC02 first before changing anything. Any file names in bold font or parts of files in bold font need to be changed inside the copied files and folders for an additional catchment.



Add Forecast moduleInstance, e.g. Samo_SUB02_Forecast 1.00 default.xml
and add Historical moduleInstance e.g. Samo_SUB02_Historical 1.00 default.xml.

Change in the new files all references to file locations to the right catchment folder (search+replace).

Add any new moduleInstances to the regionConfigFiles/moduleInstanceDescriptors.

Difference between Forecast and Historical, also check the ModuleInstanceId's under which you save TimeSeriesSets.

Type of MI

End time



7, endOverrulable=true

TimeSeriesSet (simulated forecasting)


0, endOverrulable=false

State and TimeSeriesSet (simulated historical)


Add your catchment to these files with inside and outside reference.

IdSamo_Export 1.00 default.xml
IdSamo_Import_Forecast 1.00 default.xml
IdSamo_Import_Historical 1.00 default.xml

(for Calibration catchment add to Id_Samo_Export_Calibration and IdSamo_Import_Calibration 1.00 default.xml)


Add your new moduleInstances to the workflows Flow_Forecast and Flow_Historical.


Add your output to DisplayGroups.xml.


Add your output to Filters.xml.


Add cold state for your new catchment by copying and renaming Samo_SUB02_Historical Inside are three files: samlnd.nxt, samlnd.uhc, samrt.rst. No need to change these files.
Restart FEWS after you have done this


Copy inside the modules. For operational catchment models it is Sacramento, for calibration catchment (daily time step) is is SacramentoCalib.
o Sacramento

  • bin
    • 4 DLL's, do not change these
    • SamLnd_day.exe --> daily calculation, do not change
    • SamLnd_hour.exe --> hourly calculation, do not change
    • Samo.bat --> calls one of the executables, in Mun case SamLnd_hour.exe, do not change
    • Samo_SC02pre.bat --> preprocessor for SC02, change the reference to the catchment folder inside this file
    • Samo_SC02post.bat -->post processor for SC02, change the reference to the catchment folder inside this file
  • diagnostics, contains only output
  • Work, is work directory, no need to change, will be purged by FEWS
  • SC02
    • Export, no need to change, will be purged by FEWS
    • Import, no need to change, will be purged by FEWS
    • Log, no need to change, will be purged by FEWS
    • State, no need to change


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sacramentoModel xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" []">
			<dateFormat>yyyy MM dd HH</dateFormat>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sacramentoModel xmlns=""
	xsi:schemaLocation=" []">
			<dateFormat>yyyy MM dd HH</dateFormat>