
LILA is an export format for FOEN. This is a simple ASCII format that is used by LARSIM and some German lander.

Each time series is exported to a different file with the format: stationid_parameterid.timestamp.lila

The following headers are available in the LILA export format:

Sprache; DE; (always DE)
Station; Diepoldsau; (map with locationId)
Gewaesser; Rhein; (map to externalQualifier)
Datenart; Q; (map to externalparameterId)
Datenursprung; vhs; (vhs for external and simulated forecast series, mes for external historical, sim for simulated historical)
Dimension; cbm/s; (map to unit)
Zeitintervall; 1:00; (following the hh:mm timestep pattern)
Zeitzone; UTC+1; (configured in export)
Vorhersagezeitpunkt; 06.04.2016 09:00; (external forecast time for external forecast series, T0 for simulated series and T0 for external historical)
Kommentar; Modell=EZMWF; (meta data comment in export config, for example: <metadata><comment>Model=CMWF</comment></metadata>)
06.04.2016 09:00; 272.0; (date and time ; value)
06.04.2016 10:00; 256.0;

LILA Export Configuration

The configuration of the LILA export module is shown in the following example.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<timeSeriesExportRun xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
            <!-- configured name is not used. The file name is determined by the LILA exporter -->
			<comment>MODEL TEST COMMENT</comment>
        <timeSeriesType>external historical</timeSeriesType>
        <timeStep unit="minute" multiplier="15"/>
        <readWriteMode>read complete forecast</readWriteMode>

For instance if your export configuration is in the file Config\ModuleConfigFiles\export\ExportLILA.xml,

The following code shows a sample output file:

Sprache; DE;
Station; 73;
Gewaesser; Rhein;
Datenart; Q;
Datenursprung; vhs;
Dimension; m3/s;
Zeitintervall; 00:15;
Zeitzone; GMT;
Vorhersagezeitpunkt; 23.01.2016 15:00;
23.01.2016 15:00; 9.28;
23.01.2016 15:15; 9.28;
23.01.2016 15:30; 9.28;
23.01.2016 15:45; 9.14;
23.01.2016 16:00; 9.52;

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