
It is possible to import data from another Delft-FEWS application through it's pi web service. It might also be the case that another application uses the same API and hosts a web service in PI format (like AquaView). The importmodule connects to other PI Service through SOAP.

Since the PI service does not support gridded data, only scalars are supported.

Configuration options

Optional configuration properties are:

  • verboseLogging (boolean), which sets all debug messages to info level
  • filterId (string), where the requesting system can identify to the PI service the wanted filterId.
  • clientId (string), where the requesting system can identify itself at the PI service
  • convertDatum (boolean)
  • useDisplayUnits (boolean)
  • DebugFolderDatePattern (date-time pattern), used in the filenames which are used for backing up de messages. Only relevant in case RequestsOutputDirectory is set.

Prior to FEWS version 2021.02 the import connects to the SOAP webservice. Starting with 2021.02, data is accessed through the REST service and the configured url should reflect that.

Example REST url:


Configuration example

Import example
        <relativeViewPeriod unit="minute" start="-30" end="0" startOverrulable="true" endOverrulable="false"/>
        <bool key="verboseLogging" value="false"/>
        <string key="RequestsOutputDirectory" value="$IMPORT_BACKUP_FOLDER$/Wabis"/>
        <string key="clientId" value="FEWS_AWK_RTC"/>
        <timeSeriesType>external historical</timeSeriesType>
        <timeStep unit="nonequidistant"/>
        <readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>
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