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Deltares Publications

  • FLOODsite, 2009. Flood risk assessment and flood risk management. An introduction and guidance based on experiences and findings of FLOODsite (an EU-funded Integrated Project).Deltares | Delft Hydraulics, Delft, the Netherlands. ISBN 978 90 814067 1 0
  • Dijkman, J. A Dutch perspective on coastal Louisiana flood risk reduction and landscape stabilization, Netherlands Water Partnership, Delft, The Netherlands, October 2007
  • De Bruijn, K.M. (2005). Resilience and flood risk management. A systems approach applied to lowland rivers. PhD thesis. Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands.
  • Mens, M. J. P., Vat, M. v. d., and Lumbroso, D. (2008) "A comparison of evacuation models for flood event management: Application on the Schelde and Thames estuaries." Flood Risk Management: Research and practice, Samuels et al (eds.), 2009, Taylor & Francis Group, London,
  • De Bruijn, K.M. & Klijn, F. (2009). Risky places in the Netherlands: a first approximation for floods. Journal of Flood Risk Management 2 (2009) 58-67
  • Vatvani, Boon, Ramanamurty, Flood risk due to tsunami and tropical cyclones and the effect of tsunami excitations on tsunami propagations - Proc. of the IAEA Workshop on External Flooding Hazards at NPPS, Kalpakkam - Tamil Nadu, India, September 2005.
  • Asselman, N.E.M. and Jonkman, S.N. (2007) A method to estimate loss of life caused by large-scale floods in the Netherlands. In: S. Begum, M.J.F. Stive and J.W. Hall (eds.), Flood risk management in Europe - innovation in policy and practice (vol. 25 of Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards research), pp. 155-170. Springer, Dordrecht.
  • Most, H. van der & M. Wehrung, 2005. Dealing with uncertainty in flood risk assessment of dike rings in the Netherlands, Natural Hazards (2005) 36: 191 - 206
  • De Bruijn, K.M., M.J.P. Mens & F. Klijn, 2009. A method for developing long-term strategies for flood risk management. In: Samuels et al. (eds). Flood Risk Management: Research and Practice. Taylor & Francis Group, London. pp.793-801 (on CD).
  • Van Mierlo, M.C.L.M., Vrouwenvelder A.C.W.M., Calle E.O.F., Vrijling, J.KL., Jonkman, S.N., De Bruijn K.M., & Weerts A.H. (2007). Assessment of flood risk accounting for river system behaviour. Intl. J. River Basin Management 5 (2) pp. 93-104.
  • De Bruijn, K.M. (2004) Resilience indicators for flood risk management systems of lowland rivers. International Journal of River Basin Management 2 (3), pp.199-210.
  • Blaas, M.; Vatvani, D.; Azhar, M. Al, Accurate modeling approach towards tsunami flood hazard assessment, flood disaster mitigation and flood early warning, Flood 2008 Conference, Toronto
  • Vatvani, D. , E.J.O. Schrama, J. van Kester, Hind cast of Tsunami Flooding in Aceh - Sumatra. Proc. of the 5th Int. Symposium on Ocean Wave Measurement and Analysis, 2005. Madrid 4-7 July 2005
  • Klijn, F., De Bruijn, K.M. (2007). Exploration of strategic alternatives for long-term preventive flood risk management: how to deal with an uncertain future? In: Schanze, J. (ed). Flood risk management research, from extreme events to citizens involvement. Proceedings of the European symposium on flood risk management research (EFRM 2007). 6th-7th February 2007, Dresden Germany. IOER, Dresden, Germany: pp. 111-121.
  • Linde, A.H. te; Aerts, J.C.J.H. & Van den Hurk, B.J.J.M., Effects of flood control measures and climate change in the Rhine basin, In: Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Flood Defence: Managing Flood Risk, Reliability and Vulnerability. Toronto, Ontario, Canada, May 6-8, 2008
  • Van der Klis, H.,& De Bruijn, K.M. (2007). Planning kit: Flood risk management. In: Schanze, J. (ed). Flood risk management research, from extreme events to citizens involvement. Proceedings of the European symposium on flood risk management research (EFRM 2007). 6th-7th February 2007, Dresden Germany. IOER, Dresden, Germany: pp. 111-121.
  • Wit, M.S. de, H. van der Most, J.M. Gutteling and Bo?karjova, M., 2008. Governance of flood risks in The Netherlands: interdisciplinary research into the role and meaning of risk perception, paper submitted at Joint ESREL 2008 and 17th SRA Europe conference, 22-25 September, Valencia, Spain

More publications can be found on the Deltares web-site.

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PDF File Marchand_2009.pdf Marchand, M. (2009). Modelling Coastal Vulnerability. Design and evaluation of a vulnerability model for tropical storms and floods. PhD thesis. Delft University of Technology. 22-04-2010 by Marcel Marchand
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