Edit Series Data

With this option the user can edit or review time series data. After making your series selection in the main HYMOS window press <Edit Data> from the <Series> Entry and Edit function map. Make sure you don't make your time period too long, the longer the time period the more values should be loaded from the database.
Once the Edit form is presented you can select a series from the series codes list box. The values of this series will be presented in the spreadsheet. An example of an equidistant time series in the editor screen is shown in the underneath figure. While editing, the series can be displayed graphically on the screen by enabling the <Show Graph> check box.

If only the visible part of the spreadsheet should be shown in the graph enable the <Visible values only> check box. After editing a value the <Update Graph> button should be pressed to update the graph with the new values. If the graph is showing some outliers you can select these points in the graph, the spreadsheet will then scroll to these values facilitating the editing procedure. It is also possible to edit the data value graphically by selecting a point and dragging it up or down the graph window. To enable graphical editing, the menu item <Allow Graphical Editing> of the 'Edit' menu must be checked. While editing data values graphically it is advisable to change the series into a bar graph, this can be achieved by double clicking the line graph. When you double click on the bar graph again the line graph will return.
Another option is to change the scaling of the left axis from normal to logarithmic. You can achieve this by double clicking the left axis. Be careful that the axis will only be changed to logarithmic when the data have all positive values.
In the menu of the form you can select to show data labels as well. Choosing the data label origin will colour the cells in the spreadsheet with the corrected or completed colours assigned in the 'shymos.ini' file (this file is located in the \hymos 4\system' directory). By double-clicking a cell with a data value, a form will pop-up with the option to change the data label of origin (only for administrators) and the quality of the data.
You can change a whole range of data labels by selecting a data range in the spreadsheet and pressing your right mouse button, or by selecting <Change Data Labels> option from the 'Edit' menu. From the menu you can select the desired label property.
Another feature of the edit form is to copy and paste values and dates to and from other programs. The copying en pasting of dates is only possible when a non-equidistant series being edited.

When pasting values, you have to select an area in the spreadsheet to paste to. If you want to paste, for example, ten values (the first ten days of March 1986) into your spreadsheet, select the value cells from March 1-10 in the spreadsheet and press CTRL+V (or select Paste from the menu or from the pop-up menu).

Selection of more than 1 cell can be done by clicking the first value cell and dragging your mouse to the last value cell with your left mouse button pressed, or by clicking the first value cell together with the SHIFT-key on your keyboard and clicking the last value cell keeping your SHIFT-key pressed.
To remove vales from the spreadsheet, select a range of values and select CTRL+X (or Cut from the menu or from the pop-up menu).
After editing you are able to save the corrected series by pressing the <Save> button. The values together with their data labels will be saved in the database. Leave the form by pressing <Close>.

Data Labels

In HYMOS two types of data labels are available, one for the origin of the data and one for the data quality. The data labels for data origin are:

  • Original data: i.e. no alteration of the original entry (missing/non-missing data).
  • Completed data: i.e. missing value replaced by some value (non-missing data).
  • Corrected data: i.e. original value replaced by another non-missing value (non-missing data).
    The qualifiers for data quality are:
  • Reliable quality: the data value is reliable,
  • Doubtful quality: there is some uncertainty about the data value,
  • Unreliable quality: the data value is unreliable.
    In Data Edit it is possible of changing the origin and quality data labels of the data values separately. When changing data values the following rules are applied:

    Original data label

    New data label









  • No labels