Edit Rating Curves

Calculated or manually entered rating curves can be edited through the <Edit Rating Curves> function of the Entry and Edit function map. It is also possible to add new rating curve functions within this form, computed manually or within other programs.

Select a station from the Station codes list box and a rating curve type from the list box below the station list box. HYMOS will now try to find rating curves in your database for the selected station and rating curve type. If rating curves are found, the relation is shown in the <Rating curves> list box.

A relation consists of a start and an end date of the validity period of the rating curve. When a rating curve function is selected from this list box, the values of the parameters are shown in the spreadsheet below it, together with the type of equation. The values of the rating curve can be edited and saved to the database again, also the validity period of the rating curve can be changed. Make sure that HYMOS does not accept that the validity period of rating curves overlap for one station.

Through this function it is also possible to add a new rating curve. To do so press the <Add new> button to remove all entered parameters, select a rating curve type, an equation type and enter the valid parameters. After completion, press the <Save> button to save the relation to the HYMOS database. Make sure the entered parameters are valid, HYMOS does not check the entered relation for extreme parameters.
Press <Save> to save the entered or updated information to the database. Press <Delete> to delete a selected rating curve from the database. Press <Close> to leave the edit rating curves function without saving.

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