Research Question (this section is being managed by MEEDAT, University of Liege and ADERA-Ecobag, for involvement in this process please contact these partners)


links to current knowledge


Changes in average temperatures, precipitation patterns, magnitude and frequency of extreme events (storms, droughts) could have impacts on water supply, water quality, management of extreme events like floods and the impacts on the capacities of water system for resilience







Changes in social perceptions of fairness, of the environment, in social practices related to the environment and social behaviour - these will have an impact on the recovery of costs - e.g. compensation for giving up water rights or changes in the economics of farming, increasing demand for the application of the 'polluter-pays' principle The value of good ecological status (seen as a social object) could change due to changes in social values of the environment







Sectoral Policies  - Agriculture, land use and CAP Energy Transport policy Industry tourism  - These changes in other sectorial policies may counteract the WFD implementation, e.g. a likely shift of transport of goods from road to inland waterways








Future of the EU Evolution of political priorities (EU enlargement, further policy integration) Evolution of general regulations, especially public-market. Modification of the governance of water systems Changes in allocation of WFD budgets, revenue and expenditure







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