Preparing the Ucit / MYSQL database

In stead of using different MATLAB files for each transect and each grid file, a database was created to access the available bathymetric and topographic data. This allows users to remotely log into (part of) the database, retrieve data fast and administrators to update the database at one central location.

The database was created in MySQL. The principle is that there is one large table with the actual data, called 'fielddata', with all the available x, y, z data and multiple smaller tables filled with metadata per data type, e.g. transects and grids. This allows a quick first phase search to the exact e.g. transects or grids and with the found identification a second phase search to retrieve the actual x,y,z data. Before uploading data into the database, the structure of the database was determined.

What goes where?

Contents of the transect meta table:

  • seq = Sequence identification (ID) number in transect table.
  • datatypeinfo = General name of the data type.
  • datatype = ID number different transect sections (e.g. Delray vs. Holland).
  • year = Year the transect was measured.
  • transectID = Identification number transect.
  • area = Name of the area.
  • areacode = Number ID of the area.
  • dateTopo = Day and month of the year typographic data was measured.
  • dateBathy = Day and month of the year bathymetric data was measured.
  • xRD = X-coordinate of origin of the transect.
  • yRD = Y-coordinate of origin of the transect.
  • contour = Most land and seaward coordinates of the extended transect.
  • ls_fielddata = Indicates to which table the transect table is linked, in this case the fieldata.
  • timestamp = Time the particular field was last updated.

Contents of the grid meta table:

  • seq = Sequence ID number in grid table.
  • datatypeinfo = General name of the data type.
  • datatype = ID number different grid sections (e.g. Delray vs. Holland).
  • name = Name of the grid.
  • soundingID = ID number (date of measurement) of sounding within the year.
  • year = Year the transect was measured.
  • xllcorner = X-coordinate lower left corner of the rectangle with available data within a grid.
  • yllcorner = Y-coordinate lower left corner of the rectangle with available data within a grid.
  • contour = The coordinates of the grid enclosure polygon.
  • ls_fielddata = Indicates to which table the transect table is linked, in this case the fielddata.
  • timestamp = Time the particular field was last updated.

Contents of the field data table:

  • seq = Sequence ID number in field data table.
  • parentSeq = Sequence ID number in 'parent' table (e.g. 'transect' or 'grid').
  • parent = Name of the 'parent' table (what kind of data is it?).
  • N = 'Only transect' Number of used original raw data points.
  • GRAD = ''- Only transect -'' Orientation of the transect.
  • MHW = ''- Only transect -'' Mean High Water level at the transect.
  • MLW = ''- Only transect -'' Mean Low Water level at the transect.
  • datacodes = ''- Only transect -'' Indication of type of data (e.g. bathymetric).
  • MKL = ''- Only transect -'' Position from the origin to the MKL ('momentary shoreline', Dutch method).
  • xyiRD = ''- Only transect '' Converted distances from the origin of the integrated grid to x,y- coordinates.
  • mklRD = ''- Only transect '' Position of the MKL converted to x,y- coordinates.
  • ncols = ''- Only grid -'' Number of available columns of data.
  • nrows = ''- Only grid -'' Number of available rows of data.
  • cellsize = ''- Only grid -'' Cell size of the grid.
  • rawx, y,z = ''- Only transect '' Original x,y-,z- coordinates sample data
  • interpx, y, z = Interpolated raw data on a uniform grid.
  • extendx, y, z = ''- Only transect -'' Extended interpolated data with offshore, dune and previous years data.
  • timestamp = Time the particular field was last updated.
  • No labels