The user has several options to view TimeSeries in NGMS. The user can use Filters to display TimeSeries in graphs, the GridDisplay to view data which is spatially distributed and DisplayGroups to view predefined graphs and longitudinal profiles. These displays can be created using a Display generation spreadsheet in combination with a set of templates files.

The tools to generate these DisplayConfigFiles are available in the attached file These tools have been updated the 28th of November 2008 in order to ensure that the wells running dry are properly shown. It is very important to have the spreadsheet with the macros (NGMS_Display_generator) in the same folder as the templates (all *.tpl files). Good practice is to create a new display generation spreadsheet for a new model, but use the macros from the macro spreadsheet as delivered in the zip file.

The most efficient way to update your own Displays-spreadsheet is to replace the existing elements for the example model WMW with the required elements for your new model. The first step could be to replace the WMW references with the abbreviation for your new model. Then one has to decide which scenarios (Naturalized, Historic, Recent Actual, Fully Licenced, Long Term Average ,...) will be used for this model. Remove or replace the scenarios not used (with the new scenario). Besides this it is important to identify which parameters need to be displayed within NGMS (which parameters are available in this model and which one are interesting for users). Remove all rows with references to parameters not being used. Add new entries to your spreadsheet for any parameters not listed yet. Last but not least you have to adjust the model abbreviation, time step reference and locationSet references. This applies to all tabs in the spreadsheet.

This spreadsheet will create Displays with equidistant timeseries and it will provide extra information to exent the sheets for statistics and budgets. The NGMS_Display_generator spreadsheet contains the Macros and a worked out example for WestMidlandsWorfe.

The Display generator spreadsheet is split in 3 different types of displays which can generated step by step in any order: