XBeach and OpenEarth repository migration finished

The new XBeach, OpenEarthTools, OpenEarthModels and OpenEarthRawData repositories are migrated.

The OpenEarth and XBeach repositories are being migrated to the new http://svn.oss.deltares.nl server.

If you still try to access the old repository, you will get an error as shown below:

As requested along with the error, you can relocate the repository to the new location. The required steps are shown below.

First, choose the "Relocate" option from the "TortoiseSVN" menu or an equivalent command if you are using another Subversion (SVN) client:

In the next window enter the location of the new repository, which is displayed in the error window just shown or in the table on the migration manual WIKI page. Extend the base URL with a path if you do not have a full checkout, but only a part of the repository.

Press OK and the repository will be relocated. In case of success you will get the following or similar message:

In case an error pops up, the best you can do is to create a new checkout as described here. Any changes can be transferred to the new checkout manually (copy / paste) or by creating and applying a patch of the changes in SVN Tortoise.

If you try to commit a change to the XBeach repository, you might get the following or similar error:

This means that you do not have writing permissions to the repository. This error should not come up when using one of the OpenEarth repositories. If you think you should have write access to the XBeach repository, please file a request by contacting the XBeach team.

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