Blog from March, 2010

Presentatie NHibernate

Use the PluginGui.GetContextMenu to add your MenuItem ...

    public class <pluginName>Gui : Component, IPluginGui
        private ClonableToolStripMenuItem extraModelMenuItem = 
               new ClonableToolStripMenuItem() 
                    Text = "Hello World", Name = "extraModelContextMenuItem"
        private ContextMenuStrip extraModelContextMenu = new ContextMenuStrip();

        extraModelMenuItem.Click += new EventHandler(extraModelContextMenuItem_Click);

        public IMenuItem GetContextMenu(object sender, object data)
            if (data is KRWModel)
                extraModelMenuItem.Tag = (KRWModel)data;
                extraModelMenuItem.Enabled = true;
                return new MenuItemContextMenuStripAdapter(extraModelContextMenu);
            return null;
        private void extraModelContextMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArga e)
            MessageBox.Show("Hello World");

Presentatie bij de Witteveen en Bos

Arie de Niet (0570-697307)
Joost Veurink (0570-697694)
Erik de Bruine (010 - 244 28 17)

Jaco Stout
Gennadii Donchyts

Witteveen + Bos
van Twickelostraat 2


Onderwerpen zijn:

  • NetCDF output format (vervangt HIS file format)
  • Editor within new User Interface to link FLOW 1D Open water (SOBEK) with InfoWorks
  • exchange ideas share knowledge about linking models
  File Modified
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Witteveen_Bos.pptx 23-03-2010 by don
Microsoft Powerpoint 97 Slideshow Witteveen_Bos.ppt 23-03-2010 by don

Some other topics which were discussed:

  • Excel-tools SOBEK-modelleurs
  • Modelkoppeling SOBEK-Infoworks - they tried to couple SOBEK with Infoworks so that they would iterate but it was not possible using current OpenMI. It should be possible using Iteration Controller tool from the OpenMI SDK which was significantly reworked recently.

User stories from the meeting:
This is my (Jaco) recollection:

  • Import Structure-data (name/id, location, attributes) of e.g. "all culverts" available in GIS-shape, .xls or .csv; INCLUDING mapping of attributes on Delta Shell-datamodel
  • Make Delta Shell API available (structures! including Hydro Network?) in order to facilitate customers to develop own applications for e.g. validation and reporting (W&Bos uses Excel for this purpose)
  • Custom, user-defined validation rules during import
  • Import from SUFHYD (urban)

Below are some stories which were not explicitly mentioned

  • Import data available in GIS into Delta Shell, hydro network, structures, cross-sections
  • Import structure, cross-section parameters
  • Import time series, YZ data from CSV, XLS
Publications related to OpenMI 2.0 and Delta Shell

Unfortunately I did not have much time to write nice Delta Shell article, so it is more or less converted version of the slideshow: Delta Shell for Developers (smile).

  File Modified
Microsoft Word 97 Document Delta Shell - an open modeling environment.doc 09-03-2010 by don
Microsoft Word 97 Document OpenMI_2.0_whats_new_paper.doc 09-03-2010 by don