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Time series Editor Requirements

The time series editor must contains two part:

1. Table Control (Editor)

  • The time coloumn values /indexs chronologically ordered.
  • It should be editable: Adding, Removing, Inserting rows utilities are provided.
  • The row in the table is also editable.
  • Changes should be reflected immediatly in the Graph.
  • Atributes like Name, Unit, etc. of the showed series are editable.
  • Export /Import.

2. Graph Control (Editor)

  • Attributes of series, are viewable.
  • Zooming in time axis.
  • Legend.
  • Font.
  • Export / Import.

Known Time Series Editors

Three important features highlighted:

1. The dragable horizental silde that shows the enitre time series but gives focus on the selected sub-series which is shown in the chart above.

2. The hand arrow highlighed the current point in time and shows the values above the graph.

3. The dynamically changing values for series accourding to the position of the hand arrow.

  • No labels

1 Comment

  1. Unknown User (don)

    As a starting point for range selection we can use RangeTrackBar from DevExpress (we have a src license), see their editors here: http://www.devexpress.com/products/net/winforms/xtraeditors/whatsnew.xml

    But I'd make it at the later stage, after first-priority functionality will be implemented:

    • TimeSeries data structures / tests
    • Databinting of a TimeSeries
    • Simplest TeeChart-based editor of that TimeSeries + Tabular editor