Wave and current interaction in the Atlantic basin

The intenship is divided in two parts, a group task and an individual task. The topics that will be covered during the implementation of the internship are the performance of scour tests for an Offshore High Voltage Station (OHVS)-platform combined with an analysis of the wave-current patterns in the Atlantic Basin of the Hydro lab of Deltares. During the first weeks I will be assisting the project team with the preparation of the tests in order to accommodate the test set up, getting acquainted with the procedures of physical modeling. Once the experiments are finalized, I will be investigating on the patterns of the waves and currents in the basin.The start of the internship will be used to familiarize with the subject as well as the working principles of Deltares and get acquainted with the equipment at the Hydro lab. At the end of the internship I will also prepare a report for Deltares, which will include all the progress made on the topic.





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