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The Id of the column is only used to reference this column from the rest of the configuration. This id is not stored in the database. This id can be changed at any time without the requirement of deleting the datastore
The storageKey is an integer between 0 to 127 that is used in the datastore to reference a columnId. After changing this key you have to delete the local datastore and MC database

Order of flagSourceColumns

The order in which the flagSourceColumns are configured should reflect the sequence of the respective validation steps in the validation process.
This order is also used in the timeseriesDisplay - tableview, when the 'Validation steps' are visualized.

flagSources contained in the flagSource Columns


By defining a 'visibilityControllingFlagSourceColumnId' element in the timeSeriesSet, the existence of a flagSource Column for a particular timeseries (step) can be used as a condition for for example a transformation. When the configured  flagSourceColumn is not existing for a particular timeseries step, the value will be perceived as 'Missing' for the transformation. All values that did not pass this validation step are removed on read. They are set to missing for equidistant timeseries and removed for non-equidistant timeseries.

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Assign a FlagSource Column per module run

It is possible to add an element defaultFlagSource and a FlagSourceColumnId in a workflow, at the module activity level of the validation step. This will dictate which flagSourceColumn (FlagSourceColumnId) will be used to write the flagSources to and what flagSource will be written in case no flag is changed (defaultFlagSource).

Validation Status in the GUI

An option 'Validation Steps' is available in the table view options (when flagSource Columns are configured). When this option is activated, all flagSource Columns that are either filled (the validation step has been performed) or are configured 'editable' will be shown next to the value column. The header of the flagSource Columns is equal to the configured 'shortName' and when the user hoovers above the header, a configured tooltip for the flagSource Column is shown.

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The order in which the flagSourceColumns are configured should reflect the sequence of the respective validation steps in the validation process. This order is also used in the timeseriesDisplay - tableview, when the 'Validation Steps' are visualized.

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The regular 'Validation' column cell for each individual timeseries will get background color that is equal to the configured color of the last validation step that has been performed for that timestep. When a distinctive color is used for a specific validation step that is of interest to the user, it is easy to gauge  the progress of validation from the color. This color is also visible as a bar chart under the timeseries graph, and represents the last validation step that has been executed for all timeseries.

It is possible to include an explicit manual validation step in the validation procedure using the 'Mark' option that is available in the toolbar when the timeseries display is in edit mode and flagSources have been configured. This allows the user to set a flag (or not) for selected timeseries and timesteps and at the same time indicate for what flagSource Column (e.g. 'Visual_Inspection') which flagSource (e.g. 'OK') should be written.  

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Export of flagSourceColumns

In the FEWS client, it is possible to use the validation status as a condition for the interactive export. A specific flagSource Column can be selected which is used as a filter for the export. In the export, the flagSource Columns are included for the PI-XML and GeneralCSV export types, when the user indicates that validation/comments should be part of the export

Image AddedBeschikbaar maken van het concept validatiestatus in Delft-FEWS door FlagsourceColumns te ontwikkelen die ingezet kunnen worden voor de monitoring van validatiestappen
II. Validatiestatus als conditie
De informatie in de FlagSource kolommen (validatiestappen) moet kunnen worden gebruikt als conditie voor het uitvoeren van een bepaalde module of workflow
III. Toekennen van validatiestatus per module
De FlagsourceColumn (validatiestap) moet op workflow/transformatie niveau, toegekend kunnen worden aan een tijdreeks
IV. Interface onwikkelingen Validatiestatus
A. De FlagsourceColumns zijn zichtbaar in de tijdserietabel als extra kolommen 
B. De betekenis/vertaling van een FlagsourceColumn moet geconfigureerd kunnen worden
C. De voortgang is met een (configureerbare) kleur zichtbaar in de grafiek
D. De default periode selectie (start/eindtijd van de tijdreeksen) in een validatiedisplay moet configureerbaar zijn
V. Validatiestatus Import/Export
De validatiestatus moet geimporteerd/geëxporteerd kunnen worden naar CSV/XML formaat en moet ondersteund worden in de PI Webservice
VI. Validatie via GUI
De gebruiker moet handmatig kunnen valideren (FlagsourceColumns zetten of aanpassen) voor een of meerdere validatiestappen.