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 Since version 2015.02 FEWS makes it possible to configure so-called 'flagSource columns' for each individual validation step, in which the flagSource of the specific validation step will be recorded. From these flagSource columns the user can deduct which individual validation steps have been performed and to what result. Even when a defined validation step has been executed successfully and no quality flag has been changed, a default flagSource "OK" will be set for the respective flagSource column. The flagSource columns therefor provide details on all the validation steps. 

Since version 2016.01 the concept 'Time of Validity' (Tv) has been introduced. This is defined the last timestep for which a timeseries has been validated (i.e. for which a specific flagSourceColumn has been set). Specific functionality related to the Time of Validity (Tv) becomes available for the timeseries display whenever a 'Time of Validity mode' is activated by activating a Tv button in the toolbar. The Tv is also available in de database lister.


FlagSource columns can be defined in a dedicated flagSourceColumns regional configuration file, see FlagSourceColumns in the Configuration guide. These flagSource Columns are stored for each timestep for all timeseries that have been validated in the FEWS database. Various configuration options allow the user to harness the Validation Status in the operational process, either by visualisation, export, conditional filtering in transformations, etc.


Code Block
<transformation id="interpolation serial linear">



Status in the GUI (Time series diplay)

An option 'Validation Steps' is available in the table view options (when flagSource Columns are configured). When this option is activated, all flagSource Columns that are either filled (the validation step has been performed) or are configured 'editable' will be shown next to the value column. The header of the flagSource Columns is equal to the configured 'shortName' and when the user hoovers above the header, a configured tooltip for the flagSource Column is shown.


The order in which the flagSourceColumns are configured should reflect the sequence of the respective validation steps in the validation process. This order is also used in the timeseriesDisplay - tableview, when the 'Validation Steps' are visualized. Note that the order in the configuration file is from top (first validation step) to bottom (last validation step), in the interface the order is from right (first) to left (last). 

Mark and edit Validation Status

The regular 'Validation' column cell for each individual timeseries will get background color that is equal to the configured color of the last validation step that has been performed for that timestep. When a distinctive color is used for a specific validation step that is of interest to the user, it is easy to gauge  the progress of validation from the color. This color is also visible as a bar chart under the timeseries graph, and represents the last validation step that has been executed for all timeseries.

It is possible to include an explicit manual validation step in the validation procedure using the 'Mark' option that is available in the toolbar when the timeseries display is in edit mode and flagSources have been configured. This allows the user to set a flag (or not) for selected timeseries and timesteps and at the same time indicate for what flagSource Column (e.g. 'Visual_Inspection') which flagSource (e.g. 'OK') should be written.  

Validation History

When a data value is deleted (either by the user or by a different action), the flagSources for that timestep will remain. For an individual value in the time series table, the history of that value can be shown using the right-mouse menu - Show history (CTRL+H). This menu also shows the 'state' of the flagSourceColumns for each time the value was changed in the datastore.

Time of Validity

Since 2016.01 it is possible to open up 'Time of Validity' (Tv) related functionality in the timeSeries display, by configuring a timeOfValidity element in the flagSourceColumns.xml configuration file. The time of Validity is defined as the last timestep for which a timeseries has been validated with a particular validation step (in other words: for which a specific flagSourceColumn contains a flagSource).

The Time of Validity of a single timeseries in a display is calculated according to the following logic:

  • the TimeOfValidity flagSourceColumn, as defined in flagSourceColumns.xml, will be used
  • The timeseries is read for the maximum relative view period maxViewPeriod, as defined globally in the timeseriesDisplayConfig.xml configuration file
  • The timestep before the first timestep where the Tv flagSource is not available is considered as the Tv for that time series
  • When no single timestep within the maxViewPeriod has the Tv flagSourceColumn filled, the timeseries will have no Tv
  • When the first timestep within the maxViewPeriod does not have the flagSourceColumn filled but later timesteps do have the Tv flagSource, the Time of Validity will be equal to this first timestep within the maxViewPeriod
  • Read Only time series should be ignored when calculating Time of Validity

An example for a single timeseries is given in the image below

  • The Tv (Time of Validity) for a display node needs to be calculated by aggregating the Tv's for all the timeseries displayed under that node. Display nodes are configured in the displayGroups.xml configuration file.
  • The Tv furthest in the past of all the time series under the display node will be considered as the display Time of Validity.
  • The Tv also needs to be calaculated for the (sub)directories in which the displaynodes are contained.
  • Recalculating (and displaying the (updated)) Tv should take place after every save action.

Image Added

Additional configuration options related to Time of Validity are:

  • configure a marker for the time series display

A Tv button becomes available in the time series button panel, which activates all 'Time of Validity' related functionality. The button is only be visible in the button panel, when the timeOfValidity element has been defined in the flagSourceColumns.xml file.

Export of flagSourceColumns
