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  • management of events in the archive,
  • search for events and download data related to events from the archive,
  • search for data in the archive



To use the archive display, configure it as <explorerTask> in Explorer.xml. For example:


The archive display uses the file Archives.xml file in the SystemConfigFiles directory to know identify were the archive web server is located.

The Archives.xml is explained in more detail in the section seamless integration.


Below is an example of the content of this file is shown.

Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<archives xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">


If the archive is installed following the conventions described in Archive installation the  the configuration shown above is all you need!sufficient.

Note however that when you start using the seamless integration in the pi-webservice that more configuration is required in the Archives.xml file.


The archives.xml will be used by the archive display panel to identify were the webservices of the archive are located.

In addition you will need to configure a file called ArchiveModuleDisplay.xml in the DisplayConfigFiles folder.


Below an example of this file containing the required most important tags is shown.

Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<archiveModuleDisplay xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

The $ARCHIVE_DOWNLOAD_FOLDER$ should be configured in your file and should point to the folder were the panel to should download the files of the archive to.

 The tag workFolder configures which folder will be used as the workfolder. The workfolder is used by the event-panels.

The archiveImportWorkflowId is used to configure the id of the import workflow. The panel offers two options for downloading data. The first option only downloads the data. The seconds option

downloads the data and runs an import workflow directly after finishing the download. The id configured in the tag archiveImportWorkflowId identifies which workflow should be ran.


Below a more advanced example of a ArchiveModuleDisplay.xml is shown.

Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<archiveModuleDisplay xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
	<levelThresholdId>threshold id</levelThresholdId>
	<levelThresholdId>second threshold id</levelThresholdId>
<defaultHistoricalEventTimeStep unit="hour"></defaultHistoricalEventTimeStep>
	<createEventPermission>create permission</createEventPermission>
	<deleteEventPermission>delete permisson</deleteEventPermission>


The events-panel can be used to search for events in the archive. It is possible to search for events in which certain thresholds were crossed.

The tag levelThresholds can be used to configure for which thresholds can be searched in the eventspanel.

By default every user can delete or create events. The tags createEventPermission and deleteEventPermission can be used to restrict those actions to users which have the needed permissions.

The "Search and download datasets"-panel can be used to search for data in the archive. The dropdown-box in this panel shows by default all datasets available in the archive.

To restrict thist list, for example when not all datasets-types are exported by FEWS to archive, the tag searchDataTypes can be used.







The configuration file for this display resides in the DisplayConfigFiles folder. It primarily contains references to the archive server, while it also specifies tte download folders, i.e. the destination folders for data being downloaded.
