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Additional timeSerieSet to link the sigma layers in a 3D model to indexed layers. For this you also need a locationSet linking a parentLocation to all sigma layers. Each sigma layer is linked to an index in a MapLayerFile. The parentLocation needs to be defined in Location.xml, linked to a grid definition in Grids.xml. See for a full config example Sigmalayers - display D-FlowFM 3D results in GridDisplay.

verticalSliderRange (since 2017.02)

When a sigmaScaleReferenceTimeSeriesSet is configured, a vertical slider becomes automatically visible in GridDisplay to slide through the water column, displaying the 2D model results at a arbitrary water depth. The values displayed are dynamically interpolated between the sigma layers of the model, but only for the visible time step for performance reasons.  The range of the slider is automatically adjusted to all available water depths for whole period, however you can limit this range using the <verticalSliderRange> option. See for a config example Sigmalayers - display D-FlowFM 3D results in GridDisplay.


The time slider ticks at the top of the gridDisplay are always colored are according to the top layer, even when a different depth is selected in the vertical slider.
