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Table of Contents

Ingest datasets in Delft-FEWS stand alone - ImportArchiveModule


Once downloaded, the data can be ingested by a Delft-FEWS stand alone with the aim to bring the local datastore back in the 'original state', i.e. with a similar time series set definition as used when Delft-FEWS ran the workflow to produce the data. This exact timeseries definition is included in the netcdf files during the archive export process. The importArchiveModule has been implemented to uses this definition included in the netcdf files to put the data back in Delft-FEWS local datastore






string (path)

Full path where the simulated datasets are made available for import by Delft-FEWS


string (path)

Full path where the observed datasets are made available for import by Delft-FEWS


string (path)

Full path where the messages datasets are made available for import by Delft-FEWS


string (path)

Full path where the external forecasts are made available for import by Delft-FEWS


string (path)

Full path where the rating curve datasets are made available for import by Delft-FEWS


IdMapping of locations that have changed id over time

If the id of locations used in the Delft-FEWS system have changed over time (e.g. from locationId_old to locationId_new), the data can still be imported from the archive. For this you need to configure a idMap, just like your used to with the normal import Module. However, in this case you will need to make sure that the old id (locationId_old) is still known as a location in the configuration. You can either add the old id to Locations.xml or create a csv file with this (and potentially other) deprecated locationId's. The benefit of the second method is that you can add the new location id to this file, so you can use a function to map the id's instead of defining them by hand in the idMap configuration file.


Ingest of Historic events in Delft-FEWS (FSS)
