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Below some examples of how to conceptualize measures are provided:

  • Blue roof
    Blue roofs (without drainage) create extra water storage on buildings from where water can evaporate. A blue roof can be considered as a storage installation. In the Urbanwb model, it can be simulated with the basic model or with the Measure module. Simulating a blue roof with the basic model can be done by increasing the PR interception capacity. However, then interception capacity of the entire PR area increases. To simulate that in only part of the PR area blue roofs are applied, the Measure module can be used. A blue roof can be conceptualized as a 1-layer structure of which an interception layer with certain storage capacity is defined from where only evaporation is possible. Exceedance of the storage capacity results in overflow. Overflow from a blue roof is considered to be uncontrolled runoff and will be drained to the SWDS.
  • Wet pond:
    Figure 15 shows the schematic view of how a wet pond is conceptualized. An artificial wet pond can be seen as a 2-layer structure, of which the interception layer is a pseudo layer that has no storage capacity and infinite infiltration capacity, allowing all water (precipitation and inflow runoff from contributing area) to flow directly into the bottom storage layer. A wet pond usually has a sealed concrete bottom to prevent it from falling dry thus percolation is defined not possible. The wet pond has a certain threshold (drainage level) above which the excess water is slowly drained. This runoff is called controlled runoff. The higher the water level in the pond above this threshold, the faster it drains. In addition, a drainage resistance has to be defined by the user to determine how fast it drains. Evaporation from the pool is possible and is limited by Penman evaporation. In case of very extreme rainfall events, incoming runoff may completely fill the storage capacity of wet pond, hence overflow from the wet pond occurs. Unlike controlled runoff from bottom storage layer, this overflow is an uncontrolled runoff, and will be drained eventually to SWDS.
    Image Modified
    Figure 15   Conceptualization of a wet pond. Source left figure: [LID].
  • Bioswale and green roof
    Figure 16 shows the schematic view of how a bioswale is conceptualized. A bioswale is an infiltration installation. An bioswale can be thought as a 3-layer structure, of which the surface vegetated soil is the interception layer that provides limited storage capacity and facilitates infiltration to the growing medium. The growing medium is the top storage layer where plant transpiration and soil evaporation occur. After evapotranspiration, excessive water infiltrates into the bottom drainage layer. Below the growing medium is the gravel drainage layer encouraging water percolating into the groundwater reservoir. Here the percolation flux can be modelled either as percolation to groundwater limited by saturated permeability of soil, or as a controlled runoff to groundwater dependent on predefined drainage level and resistance to mimic the water jamming. Evaporation from the bottom drainage layer is possible when potential evapotranspiration rate exceeds the transpiration from growing medium (top storage layer), to simulate that the plant roots can uptake water from drainage layer for further transpiration. Overflow from the bottom drainage layer and surface overflow from interception layer together form the uncontrolled runoff, which will be drained to the SWDS. Similar to a bioswale, a green roof is also modelled as a 3-layer structure. However, there are two major differences: 1. A green roof is installed on the building roof, thus controlled runoff directs to the SWDS instead of to GW; 2. The calculation formula for green roofs is specifically modified to make sure no surface submergence from green roof is possible because a normally functioning green roof should have no water logging on the surface.
    Image Modified
    Figure 16   Conceptualization of a bioswale. Source left figure: [LID].


2.9.1       Assumptions

  • A measure can be defined as 3-layer. Even though the area of each layer of measure can be defined different, it is not recommended to do so because it has not been fully tested yet.
  • The measure inflow area does not necessarily come from one source. For instance, if a measure is defined in the OP area, it is possible to define the measure inflow area not only in the OP area but also in the PR and the CP area. However, these possibilities have not been fully developed and tested yet. It’s users’ responsibility to pay attention to the boundary conditions of the model.
  • Not all measures can be implemented with Measure module or implemented with the Urbanwb model. The user should understand the correct way of using this Urbanwb model and should be careful with the limitations of this model.

2.9.2       Calculation order

  • Determine the rainfall on the measure for the current time step.
  • Determine the runoff from the measure inflow area to the measure for the current time step.
  • Determine the initial interception storage of measure. Initial interception water budge includes interception storage at the end of previous time step + rainfall + runoff from measure inflow area in case runoff is defined to flow to interception layer.
  • Determine the evaporation from the interception layer of the measure, limited by Penman evaporation.
  • Determine the downward infiltration from the interception layer. Downward infiltration from the interception layer is only possible when the measure structures contain at least 2 layers.
    Note: Downward infiltration calculation for a green roof is separately defined.
  • Determine the surface overflow from the interception layer of the measure.
  • Determine the final interception storage on the interception layer of the measure.
  • Determine initial storage in top storage layer of measure. When measure structure contains only 2 layers. This storage is zeros (when 2 layer — no top storage layer is involved, all the variable related to top storage layer will be zero.) When 3 layer, initial storage in top storage layer of measure is storage at previous time step + downward infiltration from interception layer.
  • Determine transpiration from top storage layer of measure, limited by water availability and Penman evaporation multiplied with a predefined reduction factor.
  • Determine the percolation from the top storage layer of the measure to the bottom storage layer of the measure.
    Note: This variable is separately defined for green roof type measures.
  • Determine the final storage in the top storage layer of the measure, limited by the predefined storage capacity of the top storage layer of the measure.
  • Determine the initial storage in the bottom storage layer of the measure.
  • Determine the evapotranspiration from the bottom storage layer of the measure. Transpiration from the bottom storage layer can only occur when defined possible and when the transpiration capacity exceeds the transpiration from the top storage layer in case of 3 layers.
  • Determine the percolation from the bottom storage layer of the measure to the groundwater. Specify whether this percolation is limited by the groundwater level or not. If not, the limitation will only be the saturated permeability. It is recommended to specify percolation being not limited by the groundwater level.
  • Determine the controlled runoff from the bottom storage level of the measure. The controlled runoff can be modelled as either a constant flux or as a dynamically-computed flux that depends on a user defined drainage level and resistance.
  • Determine the final storage of the bottom storage layer of the measure.
  • Determine the overflow from the bottom storage layer of the measure if the bottom layer is completely filled.
  • Determine the outflow from the measure to OW, UZ, GW, SWDS, MSS, Out

2.9.3       Code and input arguments

class urbanwb.measure.Measure(tot_meas_area, runoff_to_stor_layer, intstor_meas_t0, EV_evaporation, num_stor_lvl, infilcap_int_meas, storcap_top_meas, storcap_btm_meas, stor_top_meas_t0, stor_btm_meas_t0, storcap_int_meas, top_meas_area, ET_transpiration, evaporation_factor_meas, IN_infiltration, infilcap_top_meas, btm_meas_area, btm_meas_transpiration, connection_to_gw, limited_by_gwl, k_sat_uz, btm_level_meas, btm_discharge_type, runoffcap_btm_meas, dischlvl_btm_meas, c_btm_meas, surf_runoff_meas_OW, ctrl_runoff_meas_OW, overflow_meas_OW, surf_runoff_meas_UZ, ctrl_runoff_meas_UZ, overflow_meas_UZ, surf_runoff_meas_GW, ctrl_runoff_meas_GW, overflow_meas_GW, surf_runoff_meas_SWDS, ctrl_runoff_meas_SWDS, overflow_meas_SWDS, surf_runoff_meas_MSS, ctrl_runoff_meas_MSS, overflow_meas_MSS, surf_runoff_meas_Out, ctrl_runoff_meas_Out, overflow_meas_Out, greenroof_type_measure, **kwargs)          [source]

Bases: object

Creates an instance of Measure class with given initial states and properties, iterates sol() function to compute states and fluxes of measure at each time step.
