Versions Compared


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Table of Contents

NB. only the jvm.dll and not the java executable is shipped with the base build. The jre release version is listed in windows\jre\release and linux/jre/release.

NB2. The Master Controller and Apache Tomcat 9 (Admin Interface, Open Archive, Fews Web Services and Database HTTPS Proxy) are known to work with the OpenJDK 11 as distributed by RedHat, our test suite).

Java JRE versions (2017.02 and earlier)

Note that for security reasons, java should never be installed inside a browser. Delft-FEWS should only be using the java JRE in embedded form.

Since 2014.01 Delft-FEWS requires a base-build. This base-build requires a (minimal) jre-version. See the table below. For 2015.01, 2015.02 and 2016.01 with Java JRE 8 upgrades above _100, a new base-build is required.

32 / 64 bit


32 bit  

Tomcat webcontainer for Admin Interface / PiService / Proxy

When multiple components require one and the same dll (e.g. for Active Directory / kerberos integration), it is required to run those components in a separate tomcat instance to avoid problems.

JMS providers and their Java JRE versions (no longer present in 2017.02 onwards)

64 bit

(installation of 32 bit is not recommended)

Windows VC-Redistributables (no longer required since 2020.02)

The Delft-FEWS software contains Windows executables requiring a VC++ Redistributable Package being installed.

Windows VC redistributables


Many clients wish to know what the hardware and operating system requirements are for a Delft-FEWS live system. On this page you can find a list of specifications. If you have any question about the list, or you do not see the operating system of your choice: please contact us. This list is not exhaustive.


Operator client

The Operator Client (Gui) is the thick client for end users.

  • normal pc
  • minimum 512 MB RAM, 1GB recommended
  • operating system: Windows 7 / 8 / 10, Server 2012(R2) / 2016, Linux RedHat / CentOS
  • amount needed: as many as there are clients
  • usable in Citrix
  • users run with their own log on credential, no admin privileges required

Forecasting Shell Server

The Forecasting Shell Server (FSS) is the server for execution of forecast runs and import tasks. It contains the modelling software and it's operation is controlled by the Master Controller

  • minimum 2 GB RAM
  • one CPU core per FSS instance
    • When available, a FSS will use more than one CPU. This might be an issue when you have multiple FSS on a single machine. You can use a VM or container that limits the CPU usage of a FSS to a single core.
  • CPU typically Intel Xeon 2.33 GHz or equivalent
  • operating system: Windows 7 / 8 / 10, Server 2012(R2) / 2016, Linux RedHat / CentOS contains modelling software (incl. licenses), OS usually dependent on 3rd party modules and modelling software
  • recommended minimum 2 of Forecasting Shell Servers, add more depending on computational load
  • Windows and linux forecasting shells can be used simultaneously

Master Controller Server

The master controller organises task traffic and scheduling

  • minimum 1 GB RAM per Master Controller instance
  • CPU typically Intel Xeon 2.33 GHz or equivalent.
  • operating system: Windows 7 / 8 / 10, Server 2012(R2) / 2016, Linux RedHat / CentOS. Other Unix-like operating systems are possible (e.g. HP-UX, Solaris), as long as the procfs system is supported and there is a Java JRE and  with the correct version available for the OS.

JMS Server (no longer required in 2017.02 and beyond)

Java Messaging Service (JMS) controls a large part of the communication between the components.

  • minimum 1GB RAM per JMS instance
  • minimum 1GB disk space for caching purposes:
  • CPU typically Intel Xeon 2.33 GHz or equivalent
  • operating system: Windows 7 / 8 /10, Server 2012(R2) / 2016, Linux RedHat / CentOS
  • Supported JMS Servers: JBoss 4, JBoss 5, ActiveMQ 5.11 (as of release 2015.02 default JMS)

This component can often be installed on the same server as the Master Controller.


For the JMS to function properly, it is strongly recommended that clients and master-controller components synchronise with the same NTP server so that they run with the same clock time.

Central Database

This is the central data repository, linked to the master controller. The live system is known to run with the following database versions:

  • Oracle 10 / 11 / 12 for versions up to Delft-FEWS 2017.01, Oracle 12c, 18c or 19c for Delft-FEWS 2017.02 and later

Delft-FEWS 2017.02 and later require Oracle 12c or newer

  • MS SQL Server 2012 / 2014 / 2016 / 2019

Delft-FEWS 2017.02 requires MS SQL Server 2012 or later

PostgreSQL 9.6 or later (9.6 is supported from 2016.01 onwards). In principle higher versions are also known to work. No testing has been done on 10.x versions. Postgres 11.8 is used successfully.

Normally we start supporting the higher Postgres versions e.g. 9.6, 11.8., since these are a more mature than the initial releases e.g. 13.1, 13.2.


Stop using Postgres 9.2 or earlier, please migrate to a newer Postgres version. Binary transfer is more efficient in newer PostgreSQL versions.

This list is not exhaustive, so contact us if you are thinking of using a different database or a different type.

  • advised internal memory and CPU: See Database vendor requirements. Typically 1 GB RAM per DB instance and CPU Intel Xeon 2.33 GHz or equivalent.
    • A minimum of 4 GB for the database server is required, but only for a small FEWS instance with less than 5 users. Above that we recommend a minimum of 8 GB.
  • The database instance(s) can be a hosted on an existing database server or cluster.
  • Central database

    Excerpt Include
    Central database hardware and software requirements
    Central database hardware and software requirements

    Operator Client

    Excerpt Include
    Operator Client hardware and software requirements
    Operator Client hardware and software requirements

    Forecasting Shell Server

    Excerpt Include
    Forecasting Shell hardware and software requirements
    Forecasting Shell hardware and software requirements

    Master Controller Server

    Excerpt Include
    Master Controller hardware and software requirements
    Master Controller hardware and software requirements

    Deltares Open Archive

  • uses 1 instance for each Master controller
  • at least enough memory to hold the largest uploaded moduleInstanceDataset twice

    Excerpt Include
    Deltares Open Archive hardware and software requirements
    Deltares Open Archive hardware and software requirements


    The webserver is an optional server that hosts and distributes the webpages generated by Delft-FEWS. Hardware requirements depend on the intended use.

    FEWS Web Services

    This is an optional service which allows SOAP/PI-REST clients to interact with and retrieve data from the Delft-FEWS system. Hardware requirements depend on the intended use, but a minimum of 1GB heap size is needed to start the FEWS Web Services. In general it is not recommended to have the PiService on the same machine as the master-controller.

    Requirements overview

    ComponentDescriptionHardware requirementsOperating system / Software requirementsInstances
    Operator Client (Gui)

    The Delft-FEWS client used by end-users.

    client side, normal pc

    Screen resolution depends upon the hardware supplied not on the Delft-FEWS software

    Windows 7 / 8 / 10, Server 2012(R2), 2016

    Linux RedHat Enterprise (7 / 8), CentOS (7 / 8)

    As many as there are clients


    Control and distribute configuration via the Master Controller database.

    client side, normal pc

    Windows 7 / 8, Server 2012(R2), 2016

    Linux RedHat Enterprise (7 / 8), CentOS (6.x 64 bit, 7.x 64 bit)

    As many as there are application managers
    Forecasting Shell Server

    Executes forecast models and stores the results in the central database.

    Minimum 2 GB RAM and 1 one CPU core per Forecasting Shell Server instance. CPU typically Intel Xeon E5606 2.33 GHz or equivalent. Always reserve 1 CPU core for the OS.

    Windows 7 / 8 / 10, Server 2012(R2), 2016

    Linux RedHat Enterprise, CentOS (6.x 64 bit, 7.x 64 bit)

    Contains modelling software (incl. licenses), OS usually dependent on 3rd party modules and modelling software

    recommended minimum 2, add more depending on computational load
    Master Controller Server

    Dispatches tasks to the Forecasting Shell Servers.

    Maintenance of central database.

    Synchronisation between master-controllers.

    Sends system alerts.

    Minimum 1 GB RAM per MC instance. CPU typically Intel Xeon 2.33 GHz or equivalent.

    Windows 7 / 8 / 10, Server 2012(R2), 2016

    Linux RedHat Enterprise, CentOS (6.x 64 bit, 7.x 64 bit)

    Other Unix-like operating systems possible (e.g. HP-UX, Solaris), as long as there is a JDK of the correct version available for the OS. For 2017.01 and before, JBoss 4 / 5 or ActiveMQ are required for the JMS layer.

    1 or 2
    Central DatabaseCentral data repository

    See Database vendor requirements + 8 GB RAM per DB server including 1 MC DB instance and. CPU typically Intel Xeon E5606 2.33 GHz or equivalent. Add 1 GB RAM per extra MC DB instance.

    Oracle 12c, 18c, 19c for Delft-FEWS 2017.02 and later

    Oracle 10 / 11 / 12 for versions up to Delft-FEWS 2017.01,

    PostgreSQL 9.6, PostgreSQL 11 and 12

    MS SQL Server 11 (2012) or higher.

    The database instance(s) can be a hosted on an existing database server or cluster.

    One instance per Master controller

    see also:

    Oracle upgrade notes

    MS SQL upgrade notes

    PostgreSQL upgrade notes

    Admin Interface

    Super-user monitoring, system control and task scheduling

    Minimum 1 GB RAM

    Requires internet browser with javascript and session cookies enabled.

    2018.02 and higher requires Tomcat 9. Latest version is always used when installing or upgrading. Most recent version tested: Tomcat 9.0.44

    Internet Explorer 10 or older is not supported. Supported browsers in preferred order :

    • Chrome: 76.0.3809.132 or higher
    • Firefox: 68.0.2 or higher
    • Edge: 42.17134.1.0 or higher
    • Internet Explorer 11: 11.950.1713.0 or higher.

    2017.02 and before: Apache Tomcat 6 or higher

    The web application runs over the Internet, E.g. Internet Explorer, Edge, Firefox, Chrome.

    One instance per Master-Controller machine
    "NFFS/FEWS" Web Server (optional)For disseminating forecast data and data from other sourcesTypically 1 GB RAM per server instance and CPU Intel Xeon 2.33 GHz or equivalent.Weblogic 11g with an Oracle Database. Weblogic as Application Server .One instance per Master-Controller machine (optional)
    PiService (optional)Data access component.Typically 1 GB RAM per server instance and CPU Intel Xeon 2.33 GHz or equivalent.

    Apache Tomcat 6 / 7 or later

    Recommended: Tomcat 9. Latest version is always used when installing or upgrading. Most recent version tested: Tomcat 9.0.44

    Preferrably not on the same machine as the master-controller / MQ server.

    1 (optional)
    JMS ServerMessaging communication between FEWS components

    No longer present in 2017.02. Minimum 1 GB RAM per JMS instance. CPU typically Intel Xeon 2.33 GHz or equivalent. Minimum 1GB disk space for cache.

    Windows 7 / 8, Server 2012(R2) (32bit, 64bit)

    Linux RedHat Enterprise, CentOS (6.x 64 bit, 7.x 64 bit)

    One instance per Master controller
    Archive Server (optional)

    Stores forecast data, performance indicator data and configurations on a longer time scale than in the central FEWS system. For new projects consider using the Deltares Open Archive instead.

    No longer supported in 2017.02, please migrate to the open archive. Ample storage space for Archive files

    Apache Tomcat 6 / 7 or later

    Separate database instance with same requirements as Central Database for Master Controller.

    1 (optional)
    Open Archive

    New version of the Archive Server replacing the old one.

    Stores forecast data, performance indicator data and configurations on a longer time scale than in the central FEWS system.

    Ample storage space for Archive files

    for 2017.02 or earlier:

    Apache Tomcat 7 (or later)  with JRE version 8

    for 2018.02 or later:

    Apache Tomcat 9 with Amazon Coretto 11.0.3

    1 (optional)

    All activities contribute to resource consumption on a computing box, whether that box is hardware or virtual and Delft-FEWS will consume resources when running.

    Scalability, number of servers

    The components mentioned above can all be located on one (powerful) server or each on an individual machine, with all possible configurations in between. It is however common practice to separate the Forecasting Shell server from the Master-controller server. When using multiple machines it is essential that all machines have matching clocks. This can be achieved by making use of one and the same ntp server.

    A typical configuration is:

    • Master Controller server running Master Controller(s),  Apache Tomcat for Admin Interface
    • Open Archive Server
    • Database Server
    • Forecasting Shell Server(s)

    Typically in a dual master-controller setup every master-controller has its own machine so that maintenance can take place without offline time.


    It is very well possible to deploy the master-controller components / forecasting shells in virtualized environments. The Deltares ICT team has most experience with Delft-FEWS on VMWare VSphere with in-depth knowledge but Delft-FEWS is also known to run on Microsoft Hyper-V. Virtualization of the Delft-FEWS back-end services can generally be done without problems.  Take into account that  (not Delft-FEWS related)  modelling software may have other requirements or limitations with respect to virtualization of the Forecasting Shells. 

    Grid computing

    FEWS can work with grid computing. Especially when working with heavy computations, e.g. ensemble forecasting or 3d hydraulic computing, this can be an interesting option to explore. It is recommended to contact the Delft-FEWS product management beforehand.

    Embedded Java JRE software versions and other dependencies


    Before starting to use Oracle JRE packages released after April 2019, please be aware of changes in the Oracle Java License model, see

    Our software is known to work with the following OpenJDK alternatives (recommended):

    1. The Amazon OpenJDK distribution
    2. The OpenJDK reference implementation found at NB. The 11.0.2 distribution contains bugs in the OpenJDK 11.0.2 SSL, which are known to occur specifically when setting up SSL encryption in Tomcat for the https database proxy. When SSL is not used, 11.0.2 is functionally usable.

    Java JRE versions (from 2018.02)

    ++++++ provisional text ++++++++
    The new client-package of Delft-FEWS 2018.02 (OC/CM/SA/FSS) will contain a 'embedded' stripped-down jre (java runtime environment) based on OpenJDK 11. Together with the Delft-FEWS binaries, it forms the Delft-FEWS base-build. The java runtime libraries are placed in an operating system specific sub-folder in the well-known Delft-FEWS bin folder. The jre sub-folders are clearly recognizable under /bin/windows/jre or /bin/linux/jre. This jre can be easily replaced by any other open source or commercially supported version of java 11. Since an Operator Client/Stand Alone and in most cases also Forecasting Shell Server run in a controlled (and secured) environment, it is not necessary to have this jre sub-folder replaced, although it is technically feasible.

    In two other locations java is required to run a Delft-FEWS client-server system: in Tomcat (for deploying the Admin Interface or Open Archive) and for the Master Controller. These are part of the server-package we distribute to you. Although these jre's are not embedded, they can be treated similarly with respect to replacing them (or not) by another open source version or commercially supported version of java 11. The decision to arrange additional 'support for Java' is up to the end user of Delft-FEWS.

    If - at some point in time - crucial (security) fixes are required to the embedded jre in the client-package of Delft-FEWS,  Deltares will distribute a new 'base-build' for 2018.02 (or higher). Since the distribution of this (new) base-build will take place via the database (and is uploaded via the Admin Interface), updating of all FSS and OC machines will be rather simple. The update of the base-build (including updated embedded jre) will then take place automatically and will neither be a large maintenance burden nor very time-consuming.

    titleImportant note for Application managers and Configurators

    The openJDK supplied in 2018.02 and later is not the full JDK but bundled by the jlink executable to a stripped-down JRE with only those modules that the OC / FSS / CM client needs.

    This is the consequence of java 11 having become a modular system and this saves the number of bytes that needs to be copied to every FSS host. This is different from 2017.02 and earlier where the full JRE was normally installed.

    If a model adapter or external model to be run by the Forecasting Shell or Operator Client is also using this stripped down version of the JRE for its operation, it is possible that some of the java modules required are missing from the shipped jre and the adapter or model won't be able to run properly.

    It is the responsibility of the application managers / model configurators to ensure that their adapter and models requiring Java are already supplied with the correct java runtime modules. The Forecasting Shell Launcher startup script should not be contaminated by additional path variables, instead the models should contain their own embedded jre. See the General Adapter Module for more details .

    VersionOperator Client
    Forecasting Shell

    MC / AI

    2021.02embedded (version see next column)Amazon Corretto
    2021.01embedded (version see next column)Amazon Corretto
    2020.02embedded (version see next column)Amazon Corretto
    2020.01embedded (version see next column)Amazon Coretto 11.0.7
    2019.02embedded (version see next column)Amazon Coretto 11.0.6
    2018.02embedded (version see next column)Amazon Coretto 11.0.3
    stylewidth: 500npx; height: 300px; overflow: auto

    JRE version

    Operator Client /

    Forecasting Shell Server /


    Master-controller /


    Delft-FEWS 2017.02#76073Java JRE 8 update 17232 / 64 bit 64 bit 
    64 bit 
    Delft-FEWS 2017.01


    Java JRE 8 update 131
    Delft-FEWS 2016.02#68073Java JRE 8 update 102
    Delft-FEWS 2016.01#62571Java JRE 8 update 100+

    32 / 64 bit (beta)

    #62088Java JRE 8 update 77
    Delft-FEWS 2015.02#62545Java JRE 8 update 100+
    #57990Java JRE 8 update 45
    Delft-FEWS 2015.01#62465Java JRE 8 update 100+
    #54888Java JRE 8 update 45
    Delft-FEWS 2014.02#50595Java JRE 7 update 71
    Delft-FEWS 2013.01 - 2014.01n/aJava JRE 7 update 71
    Delft-FEWS before 2013.01n/aJava JRE 6 update 45
    Delft-FEWS 2018.02Tomcat 9
    Delft-FEWS 2017.02 and beforeTomcat 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

    JRE version

    Windows / LinuxRemarks
    Delft-FEWS 2017.02 or laterNo JMS provider required anymore. Direct database access (DDA) is replacing synchronisation via JMS. Https (as supported by JMS) is not supported in 2017.02, but is available in 2018.02.
    Delft-FEWS 2017.01ActiveMQ 5.14.5Java JRE 8ActiveMQ 5.14.5 requires JRE 8 (best 64 bit), but may also be used with JRE 7.
    Delft-FEWS 2016.02 and olderActiveMQ 5.11.1ActiveMQ 5.11 requires JRE 8 (best 64 bit), but may also be used with JRE 7.
    Delft-FEWS 2017.01 and olderJBoss 4 / 5 / 7Java JRE 6 / 7

    Does not function with JRE 8. Note that JBoss4 requires a jdbc driver for storing temporary messages.

    The JRE version with which this driver is compiled should be compatible with the JRE used for Jboss4.

    ExecutableInstallerDownload locationdescription
    JavaService.exeMicrosoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86)
    Excerpt Include
    Windows VC-Redistributables - up to 2020.01
    Windows VC-Redistributables - up to 2020.01
    JavaService_x64.exeMicrosoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x64)

    JavaService_x64.exeMicrosoft Visual C++ 2019 Redistributable Package (x64) 2019 and later, see also the-latest-supported-visual-c-downloads


    Read more about the shared responsibility model. >>

    titleShared responsibility model

    Excerpt Include
    Security - Shared responsibility model for Delft-FEWS system installations
    Security - Shared responsibility model for Delft-FEWS system installations
