Versions Compared


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Available since 2020.02.  If it is set to true, the subplot y-axis (or domain axis) will be logarithmic.  A parameter can also be configured to  always/never be  displayed on a logarithmic scale, but the subplot setting has precedence. If a parameter is set logarithmic true, but the subplot it appears in is configured logarithmic-false,  the axis will not be logarithmic.  It is also possible to confige configure a mixture of logarithmic and non-logarithmic sublots subplots in the same plot:

Logarithmic axis can also be turned on and off manually, using the mnu menu bar. If you do so, the setting will effect all subplots the same way. Should you wish to reset the sublots subplots to the configured version, use the reset domain axis to configured button.


Available since 2020.02. Default is scaleOutsideMinAndMax. If it is set to scaleOutsideMinAndMax, the y axis will scale to the data available. If it is set to fixedBetweenMinAndMax, the min and max of the y axis will always be the configured values, regardless of the data. This could make the entire data set fall of the visible chart. If all the data is in the middle of min and max withing a small range, the axis will ot scale to the data, it will appear as a small line in the middle. If it is set to scaleBetweenMinAndMax, the min will never be smaller than what is configured, and the max will never be greater than configured, but if the available data falls between these values, the axis will scale so that the data fills the whole area. If the data falls entirely outside of min and max, it will not be visible. 


The tag line can be used to configure both single or dual y-axis. Enables the configuration of a custom colour. visibleInLegend, visibleInPlot and visibleInTable are optional, default setting is true. If visibleInLegend is set to false, the series will show up in the plot area, but not in the legend. If visibleInTable is set to false, the time series can still be sen on the plot, but the data will not show in the table. If visibleInPlot is set to false, the time series can be still shown in the table, but will not be cisible visible in the plot.  VisibleInLegend, visibleInPlot and visibleInTable are supported by clustered bars too.


Adding DescriptiveFunctions will result in an extra panel in the display, showing relevant descriptive information about the timeseries in view. More information on the descriptive functions available can be found onat TimeSeriesDisplayConfiguration


Code Block
titleExample Configuration
<displayGroups version="1.0" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
	<plot id="Langsprofiel_Caspargouwse_Wetering">
				<timeSeriesType>external historical</timeSeriesType>
				<timeStep unit="minute" multiplier="15"/>
				<relativeViewPeriod unit="day" start="-32" end="0"/>
				<readWriteMode>read only</readWriteMode>
	<displayGroup name="LangsProfiel">
		<display name="Langsprofiel_Caspargouwse_Wetering">

Notice that it is not possible to combine a longitudinal plot in with a standard plot (having time on the X-axis). Furthermore, it is not possible to use it for relatedLocations, and also thresholds will not be shown.
