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Column Name

Explanation of contents


This column specifies the structure of the filtersplots. The type can either be a parent, a child or a timeseries (tms). The tms define the actual data to be displayed and the childs and parents define the order of the filter in that row (a child can be a parent at a lower level) level 1 to level 4, loc, locset, contour or uv. The types loc and locset specify wheter the data is linked to 1 location or a locationset, the uv and contour types define a specific type of plot (using different settings) and the levels


The ModuleInstance prefix is the model abbreviation and is referring to the first part of the ModuleInstanceId which was used to create and store the data. Together the columns MI_PREFIX, MI_SOURCE and MI_EXT create the complete ModuleInstanceId


This column contains the Id of the filter. This is used to make each filter unique to be able to nest filters within filters plotgroup. Each plotgroup should have a unique name


This column contains the Id name of the filterplotgroup. This is used to make each filter unique to be able to nest filters within filters specify the name of a group of plots


This is the name of the Filterplot. It is only used at the parent level and of the plot where the TimeSerieSet itself is specified


This column contains a reference to the input parameter to be processed. The name of the parameter should be taken from the parameters.xml


This is the middle part of the ModuleInstance source. It should refer to the processing step which was used to create the original data. Together the columns MI_PREFIX, MI_SOURCE and MI_EXT create the complete ModuleInstanceId


This is the last part of the ModuleInstanceId. It should refer to the Scenario name, which was used to create the original data (or to 'observed' in case of observed data). Together the columns MI_PREFIX, MI_SOURCE and MI_EXT create the complete ModuleInstanceId


This column contains a reference to the input parameter to be processed. The name of the parameter should be taken from the parameters.xml


This column is referring to the location used for importing or exporting to display the data. Locations and LocationSet are mutually exclusive. Either one or the other should be filled in


This column is referring to the locationSet of the data which is displayed through the filter plot. Locations and LocationSet are mutually exclusive. Either one or the other should be filled in


This TimeSeriesType is specified for each TimeSeries and should be the same as what has been used when the data was created. Three types (of the 4 available) are used in NGMS: external historical (observed data), simulated historical (used in ref scenario) and simulated forecasting (used in whatif scenario)


This is referring to the the TimeStep used for the data being created. It can either be nonequidistant or DaysOfMonth


This column is referring to the unit of the period for which you want to export data. Typically we specify the export period in days. It is only used for the 'export'-section of the sheet


This column is referring to the start of the period for which you want to export data. Typically the start of the export period should be the end of the first model timeStep. It is only used for the 'export'-section of the sheet


This column is referring to the end of the period for which you want to export data. Typically the end of the export period should be the end of the simulation. It is only used for the 'export'-section of the sheet