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SECTION = The elements in this column refer to a specific section of the (General Adapter) configuration file. Each of the rows in the sheet apply to one of the four sections: general, export, execute and import.
NAME = Refers to the name of the file to export data to, to execute or to import data from. In case of the first row it is the model folder name abbreviation you used for this model.
FILETYPE = Refers to the type of the file to export data to, to execute or to import data from. The options are: Timeseries, Mapstacks or Parameters. In case of the general and execute section it is the folder name specifying the Modflow version used (Mf96 or MFvkd)
MI_PREFIX = The ModuleInstance prefix is the model abbreviation and is applied to all elements in the configuration files where the model prefix is used (file names, etc).
MI_SOURCE = This the ModuleInstance source and refers to a unique part of the ModuleInstanceId which is used to store the data to. In case of an import activity it is referring to the ModuleInstanceID of the current ModuleConfigFile. In case of an export activity it should refer to the ModuleInstanceId which was used to create the original data.
VALTYPE = The type of data to be exported or imported.
PAR = This column contains a reference to the parameter to be exported or imported. The name of the parameter should be taken from the parameters.xml. In the general and execute section of the sheet the cell should be blank.