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This is the home page for the National Groundwater Modelling System project of the Environment Agency of England and Wales.
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Introducing the NGMS

The NGMS is a scenario analysis tool to assess the impacts of abstractions on the groundwater resources and the surface water flows.

The system contains a set of default scenarios which allow the user to understand the interaction relations between the various components in the system. To analyse a change in artifical influences (i.e. human interventions), what-if scenarios can be conducted by modifying the input of the default runs. Modifications that are supported so far are changes in abstraction rates or the addition or removal of abstractions.

Based on the scenario definition, the NGMS executes a sequence of data processing steps to preprocess the input to the groundwater model, to run the model and to postprocess the data. The output can be presented in time series graphs, accretion profiles or spatial plots. The system automatically conducts a data comparison between different runs.

The NGMS is implemented as a client server system. Groundwater models are located at a central server while Operator Client-applications are distributed to the area staff offices. via this Client-application, area staff can download data from the server to view and export for utilization in other applications. They also can send of what-if sceanrios to be run on the server. In addition to the computation oriented system, a website is put in place to provide background documentation to the groundwater models of England and Wales

The NGMS project

The NGMS project is commissioned by the water resources division of the Environment Agency of England and Wales. The project is implemented by a consortium composed of WL Delft Hydraulics (lead), Tessella Support Services ltd. (IT-services) and Environmental Simulations International (hydrogeological expertise, configuration services). The project is conducted in co-operation with the EA and the UK-GW consultant Entec (configuration services).

The NGMS Configuration

The NGMS is implemented using DelftFEWS-software, Modflow and a Modflow Module Adapter. The outline as described in the introduction is elaborated in more detail at the NGMS Concept page. This NGMS concept has been transferred into a configuration concept, which utilizes some of the basic terms underlying FEWS. A step-by-step instruction has been created to upload a new model to the system. To speed up this process a data standardization has been applied to describe the models and all its relevant locations (abstractions, gauges, observation boreholes etc.)

The Regional configuration section gives an overview of the current status of the configuration for each region (under construction)