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Boolean flag to indicate if multiple instances of task can be initiated concurrently





5 statusBar

The status Bar settings define the format of the time string displayed in the status bar

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Figure10 Figure 10 Elements in the Status bar section of the Explorer configuration


String defining the time format for time displayed in the status bar. For example HH:mm:ss will display time as 10:43:26.




6 restSettings

This section includes additional settings for the FEWS Explorer.

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Figure11 Figure 11 Elements in the Rest Settings section of the Explorer configuration


Default cardinal time step for the system. The system time will be rounded down to the actual time to the closest cardinal time step.


  • unit (enumeration of: second, minute, hour, day, week)


  • multiplier defines the number of units given above in a time step.


  • divider same function as the multiplier, but defines fraction of units in time step.

Defines the default time zone for the system. The default time zone is used for all times in user displays, unless locally overruled. This includes time series displays and the system time. The time zone used by the system should conform to a time zone that does not consider summer time. If this optional entry is not included then the timeZone is considered to be UTC+0:00 (or GMT). The time zone can be defined in two ways.:

  • timeZoneOffset


  • : The offset of the time zone with reference to UTC (equivalent to GMT). Entries should define the number of hours (or fraction of hours) offset. (e.g. +01:00)
  • timeZoneName


  • : Enumeration of supported time zones. See appendix B for list of supported time zones.




7 logPanelConfig

Configuration of the log panel at bottom of the main display. This can be configured to show all messages (DEBUG level and up), or filtered from a defined level. Two types of log message can be displayed; those generated by the DEBUG logger and those by the EVENT logger. In normal use the latter is defined to show messages from a level of INFO or above. The former is not normally used except for configuration in the stand alone when additional information may be useful. Different settings are available for stand alone clients and for operator clients

Image Added
Figure12 Figure 12 Elements in the Log Panel section of the Explorer configuration


Level of log message below which messages are not displayed. Enumeration of DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL ERROR


All geographic locations used in DELFT-FEWS are resolved to WGS 1984. If another coordinate system is to be used, then the transformation between this and WGS 1984 will need to be added. There is a class definition for these transformations. Once added the enumeration used here can be extended


Care needs to be taken when working with time zones. Mixing time zones can lead to great confusion. It is wise to define the time zone as an offset with respect to UTC and use this throughout. In configuring import data, a local time zone can be used. It is advisable to always set time zones when required.

1.3             Time Series Display Configuration
