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The scada display in Delft-FEWS is used for displaying and monitoring data. The scada display shows one or more configurable schematic views that represent data values in some way. For example, to show the most recent data value of a given time series, it is possible to show just the numerical value, or to show a rectangle that varies in height depending on the data value, or to show a polygon that changes in colour when the data value crosses a certain threshold, etc. How data is represented and which data is shown can be configured in the scada display configuration file. The scada display is dynamically updated whenever new data becomes available in the system or whenever data is changed (e.g. in the time series editor). The scada display is comparable to the main map display, only the scada display does not and cannot refer to any geographical coordinate system. Furthermore the scada display can be used to show text and figures as well as objects that represent data values.



Table of Contents



The scada display shows one or more scada panels, which can be selected in turn from the list on the left hand side. It is also possible to have multiple scada displays, each one with different panels. In that case there would be one configuration file for each different scada display, each one with a different filename. The filename of each scada display should be registered in the DisplayInstanceDescriptors.xml configuration file. When available on the file system, the name of the xml file for configuring a scada display is for example "ScadaTwentekanalen.xml". To register a scada display in the DisplayInstanceDescriptors configuration file use e.g. the following xml code:


If specified, then the tags in the text of this component are replaced using data from the specified variable. Tags should be separated by "%" signs. Text can be e.g. "Last value = %LASTVALUE(numberFormatId)%", which would be replaced by e.g. "Last value = 10.0". The following tags can be used in the text (numberFormatId/dateFormatId should be replaced by the id of a numberFormat/dateFormat that is defined at the start of this configuration file). %MAXVALUE(numberFormatId)% is replaced by the maximum reliable or doubtful value in the time series. %MINVALUE(numberFormatId)% is replaced by the minimum reliable or doubtful value in the time series. %LASTVALUE(numberFormatId)% is replaced by the most recent reliable or doubtful value in the time series. %LASTVALUETIME(dateFormatId)% is replaced by the date and time of the most recent reliable or doubtful value in the time series. %STARTTIME(dateFormatId)% is replaced by the start date and time of the relative view period of the time series. %ENDTIME(dateFormatId)% is replaced by the end date and time of the relative view period of the time series.


Work in progress

Tips And Tricks

Controlling the resizing behaviour of an svg document within the scada display

In an svg file in the root element use the following attributes to control its resizing behaviour: width, height, viewBox, preserveAspectRatio.


Resizing attributes in the svg root element

Resizing behaviour

Code Block
 viewBox="0 0 400 400" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" 

The svg document is scaled to fit the display window and the aspect ratio is preserved.

Code Block
 viewBox="0 0 400 400" preserveAspectRatio="none" 

The svg document is scaled and stretched to fill the window (aspect ratio is not preserved).

Code Block
 width="1200" height="700" 

Only the region with coordinates 0 <= x <= 1200 and 0 <= y <= 700 pixels is shown. The svg document is not resized when the display window is resized.

Aligning text within svg text objects

By default text in an svg text object is left-aligned and the x and y coordinates of the object denote the upper-left corner of the object. To right-align text in an svg text object, add the following attribute to the text element:
