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h1. Advanced check for liquefaction: SLIQ2D

h3. Determination of the imaginary surface

In this program, the fictive slope height and the fictive slope inclinaison are determined using the follwing steps:

h4. Step 1: 

The height of the part of the slope above water (h1) is increased until h2 with a factor equals to the ratio between the soil unit weight above water table and the soil below water table:
w, [-]the Hetwater watergehalte:grade

Sr [-] Verzadigingsgraad (, the degree of saturation of the soil 0 < Sr < 1). VoorFor zandsand (meestalgeneral droogdry) Sr = 0 enand voor kleifor clay&nbsp; (meestalgenerally compleetcompletely verzadigdsaturated) Sr = 1.

h4. Step 2

By means of the least squares method, the submerged slope (red line in the figure below) compared to the fictive submerged slope is determineden subsequently the fictive slope inclinaison (Alpha_R).

h1. Advanced check for breaching: HMTurb