Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • All developments take place in the trunk until the code freeze. The code freeze will be at least 2 days before the release date
  • On the day the code freeze becomes active, a release branch is created.
  • The trunk and its assemblies will need to be updated. A , see "Updating the version number"
  •  A Teamcity configuration will be created for the release branch, see "Creating a TeamCity release configuration"
  • Further developments related to the release are being further developed in the release branch. The changes are merged BACK to the trunk. This goes on until the release is approved
  • On the day of release, a version is pinned on the release branch. This version will be checked briefly by either the P/O or the tester as a sanity check
  • If the check is ok, the signed version is made and the release is shipped


The following lines have to be updated also in the MorphAn.wixproj after the manual is placed and committed in the repository

<Content Include="Manuals\MorphAn Gebruikershandleiding 1.7.pdf" />
<Content Include="Manuals\MorphAn User Manual 1.5.pdf" />
first line = Dutch version
second line = English version

Also the following files in setup/MorphAn/Localization/ need to be updated:

  • en-Us.wxl
  • nl-NL.wxl

Replace the line

  <String Id="ManualFileName" Overridable="yes">MorphAn User Manual 1.10.1.pdf</String>

with the corresponding manual file name

Updating the version number


Adjust the following files in the root at

  • AssemblyInfo.Version.cs
  • AssemblyInfo.Version.WL.cs
  • MorphAn.wixproj

Updating the Copyright year: (When applicable)

Besides the

  • AssemblyInfo.Version.cs
  • AssemblyInfo.Version.WL.cs

Also update the entry

  <?define splashScreenCopyright="© Deltares 2022"?>

in the Product.wxs

Creating a TeamCity release configuration

1 Copy the most recent TeamCity subproject for MorphAn

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2 Adjust the checkout path in the parameters of the copied configuration. Point this path to the newly created release branch

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