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The Schematic Status Display (SSD, formerly named Scada display) in Delft-FEWS is used for displaying and monitoring data. The schematic status display shows one or more configurable schematic views that represent data values in some way. For example, to show the most recent data value of a given time series, it is possible to show just the numerical value, or to show a rectangle that varies in height depending on the data value, or to show a polygon that changes in color when the data value crosses a certain threshold, etc. How data is represented and which data is shown can be configured in the schematic status display configuration file. The schematic status display is dynamically updated whenever new data becomes available in the system or whenever data is changed (e.g. in the time series editor). The SSD is comparable to the main map display, only the SSD does not and cannot refer to any geographical coordinate system. Furthermore the SSD can be used to show text and figures as well as objects that represent data values.



Note when using of transformations in the Schematic Status Display, it is only supported to have outputVariables of the transformation output of timeSeriesType temporary. Though other transformation functions may function, it is only the UserSimple function that is supported.


Table of Contents


Explorer reference to the Schematic Status Display

The schematic status display shows one or more status panels, which can be selected in turn from the list on the left hand side. It is also possible to have multiple schematic status displays, each one with different panels. In that case there would be one configuration file for each different schematic status display, each one with a different filename. To be able to open a schematic status display from the user interface, there should be an explorer task for it in the Explorer.xml configuration file. The xml code for a schematic status display explorer task is for example:

Code Block
<explorerTask name="Twentekanalen">
     <arguments>StatusTwentekanalen< <displayConfigFileName>StatusTwentekanalen</arguments>displayConfigFileName>



Example of a scada display configuration file


Example of an svg file, which is used in the ScadaTwentekanalen.xml example configuration file


Generic Schematic Status Display Configuration Options

Below is an overview of the options that are available in the schematic status display xml schema. All configuration options are also documented in the annotations in the schematic status display xml schema. To get the most up to date information about the available configuration options and their documentation in the annotations, please consult the schematic status display xml schema, which is available here.

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Title of this display.


Option to show a time navigator toolbar at the top of this schematic status display. The time navigator toolbar can be used to select the display time for this schematic status display. It is only possible to select a display time that is contained within the configured relative period and is a valid time according to the configured time step. This period is always relative to the current system time. If the current system time changes, then the display time is reset to the current system time. If this option is not specified, then the time navigator toolbar is not shown.


Time Navigator Toolbar Configuration Options

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Time navigator toolbar configuration elements


The default timestep by which the time navigator slider moves is by default the cardinal timestep which is configured in the explorer.xml configuration file, see FEWS Explorer Configuration. This optional element can be used to use a different timestep for the time navigator than the cardinal timestep.


Optional configuration for the background color of the scadaPanels. This options also works with the defaultCustomColorKeys that can be used in combination with color schemes that will allow you to select a different color for each color schem. To use a custom color, the bracket notations is required to refer to a custom color. For example:

Code Block

Definitions of dateFormats that can be used for formatting dates and times in tags in texts of svg objects.


Definitions of numberFormats that can be used for formatting numbers in tags in texts of svg objects.


Definitions of variables that can be used as input and/or output for the components in the scada display. A variable is always a time series. Alternatively variable definitions can be embedded in the configuration below.


One or more definitions of schematic status panels. In the user interface each schematic status panel will be available from the list in this schematic status display.

Time Navigator Toolbar Configuration Options

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Time navigator toolbar configuration elements


This is the period of the time navigator toolbar (slider) in this schematic status display. The time navigator toolbar can be used to select the display time for this schematic status display. It is only possible to select a display time that is contained within this period and is a valid time according to the cardinal time step (which is configured in the explorer.xml configuration file, see FEWS Explorer Configuration). This period is always relative to the current system time. If the current system time changes, then the display time is reset to the current system time. The start and end of the period are both included.


Instead of the timeNavigatorRelativePeriod element, it is also possible to configure the relative view period using the timeNavigatorRelativePeriodVariables element. Using this element a list of variableId's have to be specified that refer to variables defined in the scada display configuration. For each specified variable the relative view period of the timeseriesset is determined and will be joined together into a relative view period that includes all previous periods. The resulting calculated period will be used for the time navigator toolbar. To be able to determine the relative view period, the timeSeriesSet the variables reference should be set to:  <readWriteMode>read complete forecast</readWriteMode>.

This period is always relative to the current system time, similar to the timeNavigatorRelativePeriod. A typical configuration might look as follows:




This is the period of the time navigator toolbar (slider) in this schematic status display. The time navigator toolbar can be used to select the display time for this schematic status display. It is only possible to select a display time that is contained within this period and is a valid time according to the cardinal time step (which is configured in the explorer.xml configuration file, see FEWS Explorer Configuration). This period is always relative to the current system time. If the current system time changes, then the display time is reset to the current system time. The start and end of the period are both included.


Instead of the timeNavigatorRelativePeriod element, it is also possible to configure the relative view period using the timeNavigatorRelativePeriodVariables element. Using this element a list of variableId's have to be specified that refer to variables defined in the scada display configuration. For each specified variable the relative view period of the timeseriesset is determined and will be joined together into a relative view period that includes all previous periods. The resulting calculated period will be used for the time navigator toolbar. To be able to determine the relative view period, the timeSeriesSet the variables reference should be set to:  <readWriteMode>read complete forecast</readWriteMode>.

This period is always relative to the current system time, similar to the timeNavigatorRelativePeriod. A typical configuration might look as follows:

Code Block

Suppose variableId1 has the following relative view period: <relativeViewPeriod start="-1" end="6" unit="day"/>  

And variableId2 has the following relative view period: <relativeViewPeriod start="-2" end="5" unit="day"/>

The resulting relative view period used by the time navigator toolbar will be: <relativeViewPeriod start="-2" end="6" unit="day"/>


The timestep by which the time navigator slider is moved, by default the cardinal timestep which is configured in the explorer.xml configuration file. This optional element can be used to use a different timestep for the time navigator than the cardinal timestep.


The duration of a frame when the time navigator is animating. This is the number of milliseconds a frame/time step is visible before the next time step becomes visible. If this option is not specified, then 200 milliseconds is used by default. When the CPU is too slow to display the specified frame rate, a frame will be displayed longer than specified.


The activate option is default true and can be set to false to show the time navigator in an inactive state. In this state the time navigator listens to the system time as if there was no time navigator configured at all.


Using the showTimeNavigatorActivationToggle option (default false) will allow you to switch the time navigator between active and inactive with a toggle button on the navigator toolbar. 


Optional configuration for the background color of the scadaPanels. This options also works with the defaultCustomColorKeys that can be used in combination with color schemes that will allow you to select a different color for each color schem. To use a custom color, the bracket notations is required to refer to a custom color. For example:

Code Block


Definitions of dateFormats that can be used for formatting dates and times in tags in texts of svg objects.


Definitions of numberFormats that can be used for formatting numbers in tags in texts of svg objects.


Definitions of variables that can be used as input and/or output for the components in the schematic status display. A variable is always a time series. Alternatively variable definitions can be embedded in the configuration below.


Variable Configuration Options

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Variable configuration elements

Choose between a reference to a variable or an embedded definition of a variable.


Identifier of a variable to use.


If the specified variable contains multiple locations, then specify the location to use here.


Optional time period for which data should be read. This time period overrules the viewPeriod in the timeSeriesSet of the referenced variable. This time period is relative to the selected display time in this scada display. The start and end of the period are both included. If the start and/or end of the period is not a valid time according to the timeStep of the variable, then the start and/or end is shifted to the previous valid time (e.g. for a period from 15:20 hours to 16:20 hours and a whole hour timeStep the period is shifted to be 15:00 hours to 16:00 hours).


A time series set that can be used as input for a component.


Definitions of transformations that can be used to transform timeseries from the database in a way that matches the required behaviour in the display.


Transformations within ScadaDisplay

Up to 2011_01 it is necessary that all data to be displayed in the ScadaDisplay is beforehand available as time series. This includes simple sums and differences between other time series. From 2011_02 onwards, it is possible to include in the ScadaDisplay configuration one or more transformations. These transformations will make it easier to use derived time series. The derived timeseries will be calculated on-the-fly as temporary timeseries. The transformations are processed in the order they appear in the configuration.

NB. For 2011_02 only the UserSimpleFunction is supported and tested as a transformation that can be used.

Sample configuration for transformations within the ScadaDisplay

NB. It is required that the timeSeriesType of output variables are set to temporary.
This sample will allow the variable with variableId Observation_minus_correction to be displayed on a scadaPanel. This variable refers to a temporary timeseries that will be updated on-the-fly with the difference between the two other variables Observation and Correction.


The ScadaPanel element is the central element in the configuration. The configuration can hold one or more definitions of schematic status panels. In the user interface each schematic status panel will be available from the list in this schematic status display.

Most important within this configuration element is the specification of behaviour for text-objects, shape-objects or chart-objects.

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Schematic status panel configuration elements


Identifier of this schematic status panel.


The name of this schematic status panel as it is displayed in the user interface. If not specified, then id is used as name.


The name of an svg (Scalable Vector Graphics) file in the ReportImageFiles directory. This schematic status panel shows all svg objects that are defined in the specified svg file. The svg objects in the svg file can be given special behaviour and/or properties using the configuration below. See for the SVG 1.1 specification.


Since 2015.02. Optional. The timestep by which the time navigator slider is moved for this scada panel. This overrules the timeNavigatorTimeStep that is configured for the scada display as a whole. This timestep is only used when showTimeNavigatorToolbar is configured for the scada display.


Optional. Identifier that refers to a node in the topology configuration file. If specified, then the referenced topology node will be selected when this scadaPanel is selected in the user interface. When the topology node is selected, then that may cause other things to be selected as well, like e.g. the displayGroup in the TimeSeriesDisplay that corresponds to that node.


Optional configuration for the background color of a specific panel. If no color is configured, the background color that is configured for the scada display will apply.


Optional. Hides the panel when this permission is not available for the logged on user in the Permissions.xml in theSystemConfigFiles.


Text objects can obtain special behaviour in this schematic status panel via the textComponentBehaviourDefinition. Each item refers to an svg object of type "text" that is defined in the given svg file. An svg object of type "text" can be a "text", "tspan", "tref", "textPath" or "altGlyph" element. Each item can be assigned behaviour and/or properties for that object. This way it is possible to e.g. replace tags in the text of a text object with certain values from a certain time series, or to define what should happen when the user clicks on a certain component.


Text component Behaviour configuration options available are:

  • leftSingleClickAction
  • leftDoubleClickAction
  • linkPropertiesToData
  • useThresholdWarningLevelSymbols
  • useThresholdWarningLevelColors
  • toolTip
  • replaceTags


Shape objects can obtain special behaviour in this schematic status panel via the shapeComponentBehaviourDefinition. This refers to an svg object of type "shape" that is defined in the given svg file. An svg object of type "shape" can be a "path", "rect", "circle", "ellipse", "line", "polyline" or "polygon" element. Each item can be assigned behaviour and/or properties for that object. This way it is possible to e.g. give a color to an object based on a trheshold crossing of a timeseries.


Shape component Behaviour configuration options available are:

  • leftSingleClickAction
  • leftDoubleClickAction
  • linkPropertiesToData
  • useThresholdWarningLevelSymbols
  • useThresholdWarningLevelColors
  • toolTip
  • replaceTags


Since 2021.02, one can also include small thumbnail graphs referencing a display from the DisplayGroups in a schematic status panel.  Such charts are implicitly linked to a leftSingleClickAction that opens the same display in a new time series dialog. By default, this the left click is disabled. But if the user wishes, leftSingleClickAction can be configured to enable the possibility to open a new time series dialog.

Charts are rendered as SVG <image> elements for embedding them in a schematic status panel. A practical problem with this is that empty <image> elements in a SVG file are considered in error and SVG editors (i.e. InkScape) that typically are used to prepare the SVG files will not allow you to insert <image> elements without an actual image attached. Therefore any shape element (<rect> is recommend) that has width and height properties can be used as a placeholder, that will be replaced by an image as the SVG file is processed. 


Shape component Behaviour configuration options available are:

  • leftSingleClickAction
  • leftDoubleClickAction
  • title
  • display (referencing a display from the displaygroups.xml configuration)
  • axisLabels
  • axisTitle
  • imageScaleFactor
  • toolTip

Required reference to display from the DisplayGroups with option to overrule view period.


Optional boolean to indicate of the axisLabels from the display-configuration should be included.


Optional boolean to indicate of the axisTitle from the display-configuration should be included.


Optional scale factor to fine tune the resolution of the chart as the size differs from the original size in the TimeSeriesdisplay.

Below is an example of a chartComponentBehaviourDefinition element, including some of the possible configurations.

Code Block
	<title>Waterstand IJsselmeer</title>
		<overrulingRelativeViewPeriod unit="hour" start="-48" end="72"/>

Component behaviour configuration options

Suppose variableId1 has the following relative view period: <relativeViewPeriod start="-1" end="6" unit="day"/>  

And variableId2 has the following relative view period: <relativeViewPeriod start="-2" end="5" unit="day"/>

The resulting relative view period used by the time navigator toolbar will be: <relativeViewPeriod start="-2" end="6" unit="day"/>


The timestep by which the time navigator slider is moved, by default the cardinal timestep which is configured in the explorer.xml configuration file. This optional element can be used to use a different timestep for the time navigator than the cardinal timestep.


The duration of a frame when the time navigator is animating. This is the number of milliseconds a frame/time step is visible before the next time step becomes visible. If this option is not specified, then 200 milliseconds is used by default. When the CPU is too slow to display the specified frame rate, a frame will be displayed longer than specified.


The activate option is default true and can be set to false to show the time navigator in an inactive state. In this state the time navigator listens to the system time as if there was no time navigator configured at all.


Using the showTimeNavigatorActivationToggle option (default false) will allow you to switch the time navigator between active and inactive with a toggle button on the navigator toolbar. 

Scada Panel Configuration Options

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Schematic status panel configuration elements


Identifier of this schematic status panel.


The name of this schematic status panel as it is displayed in the user interface. If not specified, then id is used as name.


The name of an svg (Scalable Vector Graphics) file in the ReportImageFiles directory. This schematic status panel shows all svg objects that are defined in the specified svg file. The svg objects in the svg file can be given special behaviour and/or properties using the configuration below. See for the SVG 1.1 specification.


Since 2015.02. Optional. The timestep by which the time navigator slider is moved for this scada panel. This overrules the timeNavigatorTimeStep that is configured for the scada display as a whole. This timestep is only used when showTimeNavigatorToolbar is configured for the scada display.


Optional. Identifier that refers to a node in the topology configuration file. If specified, then the referenced topology node will be selected when this scadaPanel is selected in the user interface. When the topology node is selected, then that may cause other things to be selected as well, like e.g. the displayGroup in the TimeSeriesDisplay that corresponds to that node.


Optional configuration for the background color of a specific panel. If no color is configured, the background color that is configured for the scada display will apply.


Optional. Hides the panel when this permission is not available for the logged on user in the Permissions.xml in theSystemConfigFiles.


One or more items to define special behaviour and/or properties for text components in this schematic status panel. Each item refers to an svg object that is defined in the given svg file. Each item also contains definitions of behaviour and/or properties for that object. This way it is possible to e.g. replace tags in the text of a text object with certain values from a certain time series, or to define what should happen when the user clicks on a certain component.

Definition of special behaviour and/or properties for a text component in this schematic status panel. This refers to an svg object of type "text" that is defined in the given svg file. This contains definitions of behaviour and/or properties for that svg object. An svg object of type "text" can be a "text", "tspan", "tref", "textPath" or "altGlyph" element.


One or more items to define special behaviour and/or properties for shape components in this schematic status panel. Each item refers to an svg object that is defined in the given svg file. Each item also contains definitions of behaviour and/or properties for that object. This way it is possible to e.g. replace tags in the text of a text object with certain values from a certain time series, or to define what should happen when the user clicks on a certain component.

Definition of special behaviour and/or properties for a shape component in this schematic status panel. This refers to an svg object of type "shape" that is defined in the given svg file. This contains definitions of behaviour and/or properties for that svg object. An svg object of type "shape" can be a "path", "rect", "circle", "ellipse", "line", "polyline" or "polygon" element.


One or more items to define special behaviour and/or properties for chart components in this schematic status panel. Each item refers to an svg object that is defined in the given svg file. Each item also contains definitions of behaviour and/or properties for that object. This way it is possible to insert timeseries charts defined in the DisplayGroups configuration. Such charts are implicitly linked to a leftSingleClickAction that opens the same chart in a new time series dialog. By default, this the left click is disabled. But if the user wishes, leftSingleClickAction can be configured to enable the possibility to open a new time series dialog.



The id of the object in the svg file for which this item defines special behaviour and/or properties.


Action that is triggered when the user clicks once on this object with the left mouse button.


Action that is triggered when the user double clicks on this object with the left mouse button. The action cannot be combined with a leftSingleClickAction


Optional. If specified, then a toolTip with the specified text is displayed for this component.



Optional. Contains options to link properties of this component to actual data values. For example the height of the component can be changed depending on the data values of a specified variable.


Optional. If specified, then the data for the specified variable within the specified relative view period is used to determine threshold crossings. For crossed thresholds, warningLevels are activated. The color of the most severe activated warningLevel is used as the fill and/or stroke color for the component, as specified.


Optional. If specified, then the data for the specified variable within the specified relative view period is used to determine threshold crossings. For crossed thresholds, warningLevels are activated. The symbolId property of the most severe activated warningLevel is used to load a graphic from the <defs/> section of a SVG document. This is very similar to how the ThresholdWarningLevelColors works, but can be applied only to <use/> elements in an SVG file as these elements support embedding an elemen from the <defs/> section of the SVG document using a xlink:href attribute.


If specified, then the tags in the text of this component are replaced using data from the specified variable. See #tags.

Left Single Click Action and Left Double Click Action Configuration Options

Click action configuration elements


Within this schematic status display the view will switch to the specified panel, specified by scadaPanelId. To specify a panel in a different scadaDisplay, also specify the scadaDisplayInstanceDescriptor.


The id of the scadaPanel to switch to. The scadaPanel to switch to must be present in this config file.


Open another Delft-FEWS display.


Opens the Spatial Display with specified title and gridPlotId. The slider in the Spatial Display is set to the slider time that was active in the Schematic Status Display.


Open the timeSeriesDisplay using the specified options. The period that is shown in the display is the smallest period that completely includes the relative view periods of all shown variables. The option to directly open a display from the DisplayGroups is available from version 2012.01.


Open the timeSeriesEditor using the specified options. The data of the specified variables can be edited in the display. The period that is shown in the display is the smallest period that completely includes the relative view periods of all shown variables.


Opens the TaskRunDialog from the DisplayConfigurations with the specified config filename.


Opens the system wide threshold events table viewer with the specified title and icon. 

(note, if the threshold events table is defined as explorer task in explorer.xml config, please specify the same title and icon here for consistent behaviour)


Title of the display window.


One or more variables to define the data that is shown in the display.


Optional. If true then a graph is shown in the opened display. If false, then the graph is not shown.


Optional. If true then a table is shown in the opened display. If false, then the table is not shown.


Run a predefined workflow.



graph is shown in the opened display. If false, then the graph is not shown.


Optional. If true then a table is shown in the opened display. If false, then the table is not shown.


Run a predefined workflow.

  • workflowId (required): The workflow descriptor id of the workflow to run. This id should refer to a workflow that is defined in the WorkflowDescriptors configuration file. The current system time is used as the time zero (T0) for the workflow run.
  • localrun (optional, default=false, available since 2022.0): if set to true, the workflow will be run locally instead on the server. The result of the local run will only be saved on the server if autoSaveToServerAfterLocalRun is set to true.
  • autoSaveToServerAfterLocalRun (optional, default=false, available since 2022.01). It can only be set to true if localRun is also true. If autoSaveToServerAfterLocalRun is configured as true, the locally un workflow will be saved on the server.
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Opens in a PDF viewer the specified file at the specified bookmark. Note: not all PDF viewer support focus at the specifiek bookmark.


Opens the specified URL.


Steps through the possible values of a variable, of which the parameter has to be linked to an enumeration in the parameters configuration file. Every time the display element is clicked the next value (code) of the enumeration is assigned to all time steps in the defined timeSeriesSet and overrulingRelativeViewPeriod for the specified variable.


Pops up a dialiog where the user can input a new value for the specified variable, the new value is assigned to all time steps in the defined timeSeriesSet and overrulingRelativeViewPeriod for the specified variable. Optional min and max attributes can be provided to limit the range (minimum, maximum) of values that can be entered.

Link Properties To Data Configuration Options

Link properties to data configuration elements

There are several options available:

Link Height To Data Configuration Options

Link height to data configuration elements


Note: it is required that dataUpperLimit is greater than dataLowerLimit. However it is possible to define heightUpperLimit less than heightLowerLimit to control the direction of the change of the height.


The data for this variable is used to determine the height for this component.


If the data value is less than or equal to dataLowerLimit, then the height will be equal to heightLowerLimit.


If the data value is greater than or equal to dataUpperLimit, then the height will be equal to heightUpperLimit.


The height that corresponds to the dataLowerLimit value.


The height that corresponds to the dataUpperLimit value.


The anchor point describes which part of the component should remain at the same position when the height is changed. Can be "bottom", "top" or "center".

Link Width To Data Configuration Options

Link width to data configuration elements


Note: it is required that dataUpperLimit is greater than dataLowerLimit. However it is possible to define widthUpperLimit less than widthLowerLimit to control the direction of the change of the width.


The data for this variable is used to determine the height for this component.


If the data value is less than or equal to dataLowerLimit, then the height will be equal to heightLowerLimit.


If the data value is greater than or equal to dataUpperLimit, then the height will be equal to heightUpperLimit.


The width that corresponds to the dataLowerLimit value.


The width that corresponds to the dataUpperLimit value.


The anchor point describes which part of the component should remain at the same position when the height is changed. Can be "left", "right" or "center".

Link Rotation To Data Configuration Options

Link rotation to data configuration elements

Optional. If specified, then for this component the rotation is linked to the data values for the specified variable. The rotation that is derived from the data values is always relative to the rotation angle that is specified for this component in the svg file. This option can only be used for svg objects of type "path", "rect", "circle", "ellipse", "line", "polyline", "polygon" or "text". If the data value is less than dataLowerLimit, then the rotation is set to rotationLowerLimit. If the data value is greater than dataUpperLimit, then the rotation is set to rotationUpperLimit. If the data value is between dataLowerLimit and dataUpperLimit, then the rotation will be linearly interpolated between rotationLowerLimit and rotationUpperLimit. If no data is available, then this component is made invisible. If the data value is flagged as "varying direction" (e.g. varying wind direction), then the rotation will increase linearly in time (animation). In this case the rotation will increase from rotationLowerLimit to rotationUpperLimit and then start from rotationLowerLimit again.

Note: it is required that dataUpperLimit is greater than dataLowerLimit. However it is possible to define rotationUpperLimit less than rotationLowerLimit to control the direction of the rotation. If rotationUpperLimit is greater than rotationLowerLimit, then increasing data values result in clockwise rotation.


The data for this variable is used to determine the rotation for this component.


If the data value is less than or equal to dataLowerLimit, then the rotation will be equal to rotationLowerLimit.


If the data value is greater than or equal to dataUpperLimit, then the rotation will be equal to rotationUpperLimit.


The rotation (in degrees) that corresponds to the dataLowerLimit value. This rotation is always relative to the rotation angle that is specified for this component in the svg file.


The rotation (in degrees) that corresponds to the dataUpperLimit value. This rotation is always relative to the rotation angle that is specified for this component in the svg file.


The x coordinate of the anchor point. The rotation will be around the anchor point. This x coordinate has to be specified in the user space coordinate system of the svg object for this component in the svg file. The user space coordinate system is determined by all transforms that are specified in the parent svg objects of the svg object for this component. All transforms that are specified in the svg object itself are not part of the user space coordinate system and thus should be taken into account in the coordinates that are specified here. E.g. to rotate a "rect" svg object with attributes width="200" height="200" x="500" y="300" transform="translate(50 0)" around its center, use anchorPoint coordinates (x, y) = (650, 400). See also 15 Schematic Status Display (formerly Scada Display).


case the rotation will increase from rotationLowerLimit to rotationUpperLimit and then start from rotationLowerLimit again.

Note: it is required that dataUpperLimit is greater than dataLowerLimit. However it is possible to define rotationUpperLimit less than rotationLowerLimit to control the direction of the rotation. If rotationUpperLimit is greater than rotationLowerLimit, then increasing data values result in clockwise rotation.


The data for this variable is used to determine the rotation for this component.


If the data value is less than or equal to dataLowerLimit, then the rotation will be equal to rotationLowerLimit.


If the data value is greater than or equal to dataUpperLimit, then the rotation will be equal to rotationUpperLimit.


The rotation (in degrees) that corresponds to the dataLowerLimit value. This rotation is always relative to the rotation angle that is specified for this component in the svg file.


The rotation (in degrees) that corresponds to the dataUpperLimit value. This rotation is always relative to the rotation angle that is specified for this component in the svg file.


The x The y coordinate of the anchor point. The rotation will be around the anchor point. This y x coordinate has to be specified in the user space coordinate system of the svg object for this component in the svg file. The user space coordinate system is determined by all transforms that are specified in the parent svg objects of the svg object for this component. All transforms that are specified in the svg object itself are not part of the user space coordinate system and thus should be taken into account in the coordinates that are specified here. E.g. to rotate a "rect" svg object with attributes width="200" height="200" x="500" y="300" transform="translate(50 0)" around its center, use anchorPoint coordinates (x, y) = (650, 400). See also 15 Schematic Status Display (formerly Scada Display).

Use Threshold Warning Level Colors Configuration Options

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Use threshold warning level colors configuration elements


The data for this variable is used to determine threshold crossings. For crossed thresholds, warningLevels are activated. The color of the most severe activated warningLevel is used as the fill and/or stroke color for the component, as specified below.


Optional. If specified, then only thresholds in the specified thresholdGroup are used in the determination of threshold crossings and warningLevels for the specified variable. If not specified, then thresholds in all thresholdGroups are used.


Specify which data is used for determining threshold crossings. Either choose the first or last reliable or doubtful value within the relative view period, or choose all reliable or doubtful values within the relative view period. Can be "first_value", "last_value" or "relative_view_period".


Specify which color type (fill and/or stroke) should be changed to use warningLevel colors. Color types that are not specified here are not changed. Can be "fill", "stroke" or "fill_and_stroke".

Use Threshold Warning Level Symbols Configuration Options

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The fields in this xml configuration are the same as for the threshold warning level colors described above, except that the fews:colortype field is not applicable here.

In the warninglevels.xml configuration, both a color and a symbold can be specified (optionally), the symbolId can be applied only to <use/> elements in a SVG document where the setup is as follows:

<svg ...>
  <path id="..." d="..." />
    <polyon id="..." points="..." />
<use xlink:href="#id" .... />

The xlink:href attribute will lookup any graphic in the defs section with the given id and embed this in the <use/> element, which can contain transforms, fill and stroke definitions that can be manipulated in other ways at the same time. So by putting the "fill" attributes in the <use/> element, it should be possible to apply both a color and symboId from a ThresholdWarningLevel at the same time.

Tooltip Configuration Options

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Tooltip configuration elements


The data from this variable is used to replace the tags in the specified toolTip text. If for a given tag the required data is not available, then that tag is replaced by a dash symbol "-". This variable is only required if the specified toolTip text contains tags.


Text that is displayed in the toolTip for this component. See the next section on tags.

Replace Tags Configuration Options


If specified, then the tags in the text of this component are replaced using data from the specified variable. Tags should be separated by "%" signs. Text can be e.g. "Last value = %LASTVALUE(numberFormatId)%", which would be replaced by e.g. "Last value = 10.0". The following tags can be used in the text (numberFormatId/dateFormatId should be replaced by the id of a numberFormat/dateFormat that is defined at the start of this configuration file):




the local time of the client.




the start date and time of the relative view period of the time series. Requires the relative view period to be configured.




the end date and time of the relative view period of the time series. Requires the relative view period to be configured.




the most recent reliable or doubtful value in the time series. In case of enumeration parameter, omit the numberformatId.




the date and time of the most recent reliable or doubtful value in the time series.




the comment of the most recent reliable or doubtful value present in given time series array




the first reliable or doubtful value in the time series. In case of enumeration parameter, omit the numberformatId




the date and time of the first reliable or doubtful value present in given time series array




the comment of the first reliable or doubtful value present in given time series array




the minimum reliable or doubtful value in the time series. In case of enumeration parameter, omit the numberformatId.




the maximum reliable or doubtful value in the time series. In case of enumeration parameter, omit the numberformatId.




the start of the external forecast.




the date/time of maximum value found in the time series (occurrence closest to T0).




the date/time of minimum value found in the time series (occurrence closest to T0).




in case of forecast data the forecast time, otherwise timezero.




name of the highest warning level threshold that has been crossed (requires an available thresholdValueSet)





attribute to put in text. the numberFormat is intended for number attributes.


This option can only be used within the SSD configuration (so not the SVG file itself), and only within the title element of the openDisplay element of leftSingleClickAction and rightSingleClickAction. It is supported since 2017.02

VariableId is intended for the case that multiple variables have been configured.

If no numberFormat is used the tag should be %LOCATIONATTRIBUTE(numberAttribute;;variableId)%.

VariableId is optional if only one variable is configured. At least a locationId or locationSet has to be configured for the variable.


Determining the rotation anchor point for an SVG object in user space coordinates.


The y coordinate of the anchor point. The rotation will be around the anchor point. This y coordinate has to be specified in the user space coordinate system of the svg object for this component in the svg file. The user space coordinate system is determined by all transforms that are specified in the parent svg objects of the svg object for this component. All transforms that are specified in the svg object itself are not part of the user space coordinate system and thus should be taken into account in the coordinates that are specified here. E.g. to rotate a "rect" svg object with attributes width="200" height="200" x="500" y="300" transform="translate(50 0)" around its center, use anchorPoint coordinates (x, y) = (650, 400). See also Determining the rotation anchor point for an SVG object in user space coordinates.

Use Threshold Warning Level Colors Configuration Options

Image Added
Use threshold warning level colors configuration elements


The data for this variable is used to determine threshold crossings. For crossed thresholds, warningLevels are activated. The color of the most severe activated warningLevel is used as the fill and/or stroke color for the component, as specified below.


Optional. If specified, then only thresholds in the specified thresholdGroup are used in the determination of threshold crossings and warningLevels for the specified variable. If not specified, then thresholds in all thresholdGroups are used.


Specify which data is used for determining threshold crossings. Either choose the first or last reliable or doubtful value within the relative view period, or choose all reliable or doubtful values within the relative view period. Can be "first_value", "last_value" or "relative_view_period".


Specify which color type (fill and/or stroke) should be changed to use warningLevel colors. Color types that are not specified here are not changed. Can be "fill", "stroke" or "fill_and_stroke".

Use Threshold Warning Level Symbols Configuration Options

Image Added

The fields in this xml configuration are the same as for the threshold warning level colors described above, except that the fews:colortype field is not applicable here.

In the warninglevels.xml configuration, both a color and a symbold can be specified (optionally), the symbolId can be applied only to <use/> elements in a SVG document where the setup is as follows:

<svg ...>
  <path id="..." d="..." />
    <polyon id="..." points="..." />
<use xlink:href="#id" .... />

The xlink:href attribute will lookup any graphic in the defs section with the given id and embed this in the <use/> element, which can contain transforms, fill and stroke definitions that can be manipulated in other ways at the same time. So by putting the "fill" attributes in the <use/> element, it should be possible to apply both a color and symboId from a ThresholdWarningLevel at the same time.

Tooltip Configuration Options

Image Added
Tooltip configuration elements


The data from this variable is used to replace the tags in the specified toolTip text. If for a given tag the required data is not available, then that tag is replaced by a dash symbol "-". This variable is only required if the specified toolTip text contains tags.


Text that is displayed in the toolTip for this component. See the next section on tags.

Replace Tags Configuration Options

Image Added


If specified, then the tags in the text of this component are replaced using data from the specified variable. Tags should be separated by "%" signs. Text can be e.g. "Last value = %LASTVALUE(numberFormatId)%", which would be replaced by e.g. "Last value = 10.0". The following tags can be used in the text (numberFormatId/dateFormatId should be replaced by the id of a numberFormat/dateFormat that is defined at the start of this configuration file):


the local time of the client.


the start date and time of the relative view period of the time series. Requires the relative view period to be configured.


the end date and time of the relative view period of the time series. Requires the relative view period to be configured.


the most recent reliable or doubtful value in the time series. In case of enumeration parameter, omit the numberformatId.


the date and time of the most recent reliable or doubtful value in the time series.


the comment of the most recent reliable or doubtful value present in given time series array


the first reliable or doubtful value in the time series. In case of enumeration parameter, omit the numberformatId


the date and time of the first reliable or doubtful value present in given time series array


the comment of the first reliable or doubtful value present in given time series array


the minimum reliable or doubtful value in the time series. In case of enumeration parameter, omit the numberformatId.


the maximum reliable or doubtful value in the time series. In case of enumeration parameter, omit the numberformatId.


the start of the external forecast.


the date/time of maximum value found in the time series (occurrence closest to T0).


the date/time of minimum value found in the time series (occurrence closest to T0).


in case of forecast data the forecast time, otherwise timezero.


name of the highest warning level threshold that has been crossed (requires an available thresholdValueSet)



attribute to put in text. the numberFormat is intended for number attributes.


This option can only be used within the SSD configuration (so not the SVG file itself), and only within the title element of the openDisplay element of leftSingleClickAction and rightSingleClickAction. It is supported since 2017.02

VariableId is intended for the case that multiple variables have been configured.

If no numberFormat is used the tag should be %LOCATIONATTRIBUTE(numberAttribute;;variableId)%.

VariableId is optional if only one variable is configured. At least a locationId or locationSet has to be configured for the variable.

%PARAMETERNAME(variableId)%Since 2017.02. Used to set title in openDisplay leftSingleClickAction and rightS ingleClickAction. Variable is optional if only one variable was configured.


The Relative View Period specified in the variables of the Schematic Status Display is always relative to the sliderTime. While moving the slider in the timeNavigator, the sliderTime is used as TimeZero. The choice of Relative View Period is therefore essential for the best behaviour of the Schematic Status Display. For instance, for displaying the time series value at the sliderTime using the LASTVALUE tag, the configured variable should have a Relative View Period with length 0. But for instance when using the click action that opens the TimeSeriesDialog, a separate second variable should be used with a non-zero Relative View Period.


The data from this variable is used to replace the tags in the text in the svg object that this component refers to. If for a given tag the required data is not available, then that tag is replaced by a dash symbol "-"


The Relative View Period specified in the variables of the Schematic Status Display is always relative to the sliderTime. While moving the slider in the timeNavigator, the sliderTime is used as TimeZero. The choice of Relative View Period is therefore essential for the best behaviour of the Schematic Status Display. For instance, for displaying the time series value at the sliderTime using the LASTVALUE tag, the configured variable should have a Relative View Period with length 0. But for instance when using the click action that opens the TimeSeriesDialog, a separate second variable should be used with a non-zero Relative View Period.


The data from this variable is used to replace the tags in the text in the svg object that this component refers to. If for a given tag the required data is not available, then that tag is replaced by a dash symbol "-".

Variable Configuration Options

Image Removed
Variable configuration elements

Choose between a reference to a variable or an embedded definition of a variable.


Identifier of a variable to use.


If the specified variable contains multiple locations, then specify the location to use here.


Optional time period for which data should be read. This time period overrules the viewPeriod in the timeSeriesSet of the referenced variable. This time period is relative to the selected display time in this scada display. The start and end of the period are both included. If the start and/or end of the period is not a valid time according to the timeStep of the variable, then the start and/or end is shifted to the previous valid time (e.g. for a period from 15:20 hours to 16:20 hours and a whole hour timeStep the period is shifted to be 15:00 hours to 16:00 hours).


A time series set that can be used as input for a component.

Transformations within ScadaDisplay

Up to 2011_01 it is necessary that all data to be displayed in the ScadaDisplay is beforehand available as time series. This includes simple sums and differences between other time series. From 2011_02 onwards, it is possible to include in the ScadaDisplay configuration one or more transformations. These transformations will make it easier to use derived time series. The derived timeseries will be calculated on-the-fly as temporary timeseries. The transformations are processed in the order they appear in the configuration.

NB. For 2011_02 only the UserSimpleFunction is supported and tested as a transformation that can be used.

Sample configuration for transformations within the ScadaDisplay

NB. It is required that the timeSeriesType of output variables are set to temporary.
This sample will allow the variable with variableId Observation_minus_correction to be displayed on a scadaPanel. This variable refers to a temporary timeseries that will be updated on-the-fly with the difference between the two other variables Observation and Correction.

Code Block
			<timeSeriesType>external historical</timeSeriesType>
			<timeStep unit="hour"/>
			<relativeViewPeriod unit="hour" start="-1" end="0"/>
			<readWriteMode>read only</readWriteMode>
			<timeSeriesType>external historical</timeSeriesType>
			<timeStep unit="hour"/>
			<relativeViewPeriod unit="hour" start="-1" end="0"/>
			<readWriteMode>read only</readWriteMode>
			<timeStep unit="hour"/>
			<relativeViewPeriod unit="hour" start="-1" end="0"/>
			<readWriteMode>add originals</readWriteMode>
	<transformation id="TransformationObservationMinusCorrection">
				<expression>Observation - Correction</expression>

Navigation using Topology

To navigate different SSD displays and panels within a SSD display, (starting with FEWS release 2019.02) specific elements can be added to the topology.xml configuration, as in the following example.

Code Block
	<nodes id="SSD_NL" name="SSD NL">
		<node id="Overzichtsscherm_WMCN" name="Overzichtsscherm Nederland">
			<mainPanel>schematic status display</mainPanel>
		<node id="Verwachtingenscherm_WMCN" name="Verwachtingen Nederland">
			<mainPanel>schematic status display</mainPanel>


This element will bring the SSD display specified in the <scadaDisplayId> element to the front if it has already been opened. It will not open a new window if no SSD display with the given ID is open..


This element will first check if the SSD display with the given ID is already open, if so, this display will be brought to font to give it the focus. If the SSD display is not already open, explorer will try to re-use another SSD display and load the SSD display with given ID to replace the current content. If no SSD display is open, nothing happens, at least one SSD display must be opened as an explorer task for it to be able to respond to selection changes in the Topology panel.


This element can be combined with the scadaDisplayId element to navigate to a specific SSD panel in the given display. Explorer wil first look for an open display which contains the relevant SSD display and selected the SSD panel in this display as if the user selected this from the list of avaiable SSD panels in this display.

tip: When using the topology nodes to navigate through SSD displays and panels, it is recommended that for each SSD panel, a noideId field is added to the SSD display configuration to link back from each SSD panel to the relevant topology node. If you do so properly you can click either on the topology node or on a item in the list of panels to select a SSD panel and both selections will appear synchronized. If you don't, the selected topology node may not be in synch. with the selection in the SSD display which may be a bit confusing to the user.

Known Issues

When using Delft-FEWS the configuration can be present as files on the file system or can be contained in a local data store. The svg files that are used for the schematic status display work in both cases. However, if the svg files refer to separate image files, then the schematic status display can only display these images if the image files are present as files on the file system. If these separate image files are contained in a local data store, then they cannot be displayed in the schematic status display. Therefore, when using separate image files, make sure that the configuration is present as files on the file system. If this is not possible, then it is possible to choose from two different workarounds:

  • The first possible workaround is to not use separate image files. For a schematic image it is possible to create svg elements that resemble the contents of the image. If these svg elements are added to the svg file for the schematic status display, then there is no need to use the image file anymore.
  • The second possible workaround is to use embedded images instead of separate image files. The section 15 Schematic Status Display (formerly Scada Display) Embedding image files into SVG files describes how to do this.

Tips And Tricks

SVG specification

The schematic status display uses SVG files. For details on the format and possibilities of SVG files, please refer to for the SVG 1.1 specification.

Embedding image files into SVG files

It is possible to embed image files into an SVG file. If an image file is embedded into an SVG file, then the original image file is no longer needed, because the image data is then available from the SVG file itself. To embed an image file into an SVG file using Inkscape, do the following. Open the SVG file in Inkscape. Add one or more images to the file in the normal way. Then select menu "Extensions", then select "Images", then select "Embed Images". Then click "Apply". Then save the SVG file in the normal way. Now the images are embedded into the SVG file. If all the images in an SVG file are embedded, then Delft-FEWS only needs the SVG file itself (and not the original image files) for displaying in the scada display.

Controlling the resizing behaviour of an svg document within the scada display

In an svg file in the root element use the following attributes to control its resizing behaviour: width, height, viewBox, preserveAspectRatio.


Background information:
The width and height attributes in the root svg element of an svg file determine the size of the viewport, in other words the size of the svg document when it is viewed. The coordinates of the objects in the svg file are specified in user space, which is different from the viewport space. The viewBox attribute in the root svg element defines the rectangle in user space that should be mapped to the edges of the viewport. The preserveAspectRatio attribute in the root svg element determines how this mapping takes place. This mapping uses one of three possible methods: "meet", "slice" or "none". See and for more detailed information.

Determining the rotation anchor point for an SVG object in user space coordinates

To determine the rotation anchor point for an SVG object in user space coordinates using Inkscape, do the following. Open the SVG file in Inkscape. Select the object. Select menu "Edit", then select "XML Editor". Then in the window that opens, in the box on the right, look for the important attributes (e.g. "x", "y", "width", "height", "transform" or "d") and use their values to calculate the required anchor point. E.g. to rotate a "rect" svg object with attributes width="200" height="200" x="500" y="300" transform="translate(50 0)" around its center, use anchor point coordinates (x, y) = (650, 400).

Aligning text within svg text objects

By default text in an svg text object is left-aligned and the x and y coordinates of the object denote the upper-left corner of the object. To right-align text in an svg text object, add the following attribute to the text element:


Here "#" means one or more decimals before the decimal separator and ".00" means that always two decimal places are shown (number is either rounded or padded with zero's).

Export maps from ArcGis as svg files

In ArcGis it is possible to export map as svg file. Go to "File > Export map"  and select *.svg as export file type.

Reduce the size of svg files

Within inkscape the size of an svg file can be reduced by saving it as compressed svg file (*.svgz) or as plain svg file. Also cleaning up the file by using the "vacuum defs" option in the file menu makes the file significantly smaller.