Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • unit identifies the time unit with which the time span is defined (enumeration of second, minute, hour, day, week).
  • start identifies the start time of the time span with reference to the T0 (in multiples of the unit defined).
  • end identifies the start time of the time span with reference to the T0 (in multiples of the unit defined).

Scroller default view period

The optional scrollerDefaultViewPeriod can be used to define the time span of data displayed in the long term scroller of the time series display (unless overruled by the user).


When true the long term scroller always show the full period where the time series in the scroller have data. This can be configured instead of <scrollerDefaultViewPeriod> and is available since 2023.02.




Time Markers Display Configuration

Time series display markers are informative lines in the display. These may be defined to display vertical lines for times of interest. The configuration of horizontal lines for thresholds and the zero baseline is also included in this definition. Markers can be defined for four time values as well as for the thresholds and the zero baseline. Vertical lines are also available as lineStyle for plotting of time series, see below.

for time series

Class Breaks

Class breaks (map legend) is used in the spatial plots and vertical profiles. The classbreaks can be configured in the Spatial Display configuration, but also in the TimeSeriesDisplayConfig file. When calssbreaks are added in this file, it requires a classbreak Id. The classBreak Id can then be used in the  Spatial Display or Display Groups.

Code Block
        <classBreaks id="rainfall_forecasts">
            <description>Rainfall Forecasts</description>
            <break color="FFFFFF" lowerValue="0" opaquenessPercentage="35"/>
            <break color="99E9FF" lowerValue="0.2" opaquenessPercentage="35"/>
            <break color="00C8FF" lowerValue="1" opaquenessPercentage="60"/>
            <break color="0053FF" lowerValue="5" opaquenessPercentage="60"/>
            <break color="00956A" lowerValue="10" opaquenessPercentage="60"/>
            <break color="00FA10" lowerValue="25" opaquenessPercentage="60"/>
            <break color="F5F50A" lowerValue="50" opaquenessPercentage="60"/>
            <break color="FF9600" lowerValue="75" opaquenessPercentage="60"/>
            <break color="FF0000" lowerValue="100" opaquenessPercentage="80"/>
            <break color="960000" lowerValue="200" opaquenessPercentage="80"/>
            <break color="FF00CC" lowerValue="400" opaquenessPercentage="80"/>

Time Markers Display Configuration

Time series display markers are informative lines in the display. These may be defined to display vertical lines for times of interest. The configuration of horizontal lines for thresholds and the zero baseline is also included in this definition. Markers can be defined for four time values as well as for the thresholds and the zero baseline. Vertical lines are also available as lineStyle for plotting of time series, see below.

for time series

  • systemTime
  • displayTime: time that can be set with the display time button (clock icon) in the time series dialog, by default equals the system time
  • timeZero: T0 of the external forecast time series
  • forecastStartTime (since stable build 2014.01). This will show vertical lines in charts for the start times of forecast time series, i.e. time series of type external forecasting, simulated forecasting. It will only be shown when the forecast time series is configured with "read complete forecast" as readWriteMode. 
  • threshold
  • systemTime
  • displayTime: time that can be set with the display time button (clock icon) in the time series dialog, by default equals the system time
  • timeZero: T0 of the external forecast time series
  • forecastStartTime (since stable build 2014.01). This will show vertical lines in charts for the start times of forecast time series, i.e. time series of type external forecasting, simulated forecasting. It will only be shown when the forecast time series is configured with "read complete forecast" as readWriteMode. 
  • threshold
  • zeroBaseline
  • Anchor
    timeOfValidity (since 2016.01). This marker should be visualized in the display when the Tv button is activated. This will show vertical lines in charts placed at the Time of Validity (Tv) of that display node. The Tv is determined using the timeOfValiditySearchPeriod. The functionality of Time of Validity is more exhaustively described in the Validation Status page.


Since 2021.01 it is possible to a just adjust the default colors.  A A default color is used when no color is configured for a a series or to prevent duplicate colors for non-predefined plots. The colors are used in the order as configured. The list below is used when no default colors are configured.


A scatterplot is made where the x-axis shows the duration of a 'peak' (=values within this peak-area are all above the given reference level), the y-axis shows the normalized difference between the parameter value and the reference level. The reference level can be altered by entering a value into the input field associated with this statistical function. After clicking 'Apply' the result time series array is returned.
If no reference level is entered, then the 'peak' areas are determined according to the minimum available value of the input time series array.


  • function: showPeaksAbove
  • label: label used in the combobox to select a statistical function (since 2015.01). 


  • season (since 2015.01): one ore more color seasons can be configured with a color that will be used to display a point if the time of the show peaks above plot point is in that period. Periods should NOT be overlapping.

minimum available value of the input time series array.


  • function: showPeaksAbove
  • label: label used in the combobox to select a statistical function (since 2015.01). 


  • season (since 2015.01): one ore more color seasons can be configured with a color that will be used to display a point if the time of the show peaks above plot point is in that period. Periods should NOT be overlapping.
Code Block
<statisticalFunction function="showPeaksAbove" label="Seasonal Show Peaks Above">
	<season startMonthDay="--01-01" endMonthDay="--03-31" label="January,February,March" color="orange"/>
	<season startMonthDay="--04-01" endMonthDay="--06-30" label="April, May, June" color="green"/>
	<season startMonthDay="--07-01" endMonthDay="--09-30" label="July, August, September" color="yellow"/
Code Block
<statisticalFunction function="showPeaksAbove" label="Seasonal Show Peaks Above">
	<season startMonthDay="--0110-01" endMonthDay="--0312-31" label="JanuaryOctober,February November,March December" color="orangered"/>
	<season startMonthDay="--04-01" endMonthDay="--06-30" label="April, May, June" color="green"/>
	<season startMonthDay="--07-01" endMonthDay="--09-30" label="July, August, September" color="yellow"/>
	<season startMonthDay="--10-01" endMonthDay="--12-31" label="October, November, December" color="red"/>

The data is displayed as a collection of points, each having the value of the timeseries determining the position on the horizontal axis and the value of the other timeseries (one or more) determining the position on the vertical axis.
The timeseries used for the horizontal- and vertical axis can be changed by the user by using the 'Series selection' dialog, which is opened by clicking on the 'Edit' button. Note: The displayed diagram is no longer a graph of unit time and therefore uses a different panel for displaying the graph. The associated table panel is currently not working for this type of graph and therefore the table toggle button will be disabled.


  • function: scatterPlot

See "show peaks above" for label and season functionality.

Schemas for the slider


Defines the time spans that the user can select using the slider for this function in the TimeSeriesDisplay. MovingAccumulationTimeSpan can only be used for functions of the following type: relativeAggregation, movingAverage, centralMovingAverage, accumulationInterval, accumulationAggregation.
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Defines the time steps that the user can select using the slider for this function in the TimeSeriesDisplay. TimeStep can only be used for functions of the following type: calendarAggregation, accumulationInterval, accumulationAggregation.
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Defines the amounts of samples that the user can select using the slider for this function in the TimeSeriesDisplay. Samples can only be used for functions of the following type: frequencyDistribution, gaussianCurve.
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Through the quickViewStatisticalFunction you can define a shortcut key (with optional icon) at the toolbar to a statistical function.


This function adds periodic time series based on the long term scroller (see highlighted in red).

This can be used to compare values of time series compared to what is “normal” on that date of different years.

Multiple different statistic types can be configured within this function, for each type a time series is added.

The statistics wil be calculated based on all values on the same day of the years, for all years included in the whole period of the long term scroller.

For this the long term scroller should be visible.

This is especially designed for time series with a daily time step.

Code Block
titleExample configuration of Long Term Periodic Function
<statisticalFunction function="longTermPeriodic" label="Long Term Periodic" ignoreMissings="true">
	<statisticType type="MIN" label="Minimum"/>
	<statisticType type="MAX" label="Maximum"/>
	<statisticType type="PERCENTILEEXCEEDENCE" value="50" label="50 percentiel"/>

The data is displayed as a collection of points, each having the value of the timeseries determining the position on the horizontal axis and the value of the other timeseries (one or more) determining the position on the vertical axis.
The timeseries used for the horizontal- and vertical axis can be changed by the user by using the 'Series selection' dialog, which is opened by clicking on the 'Edit' button. Note: The displayed diagram is no longer a graph of unit time and therefore uses a different panel for displaying the graph. The associated table panel is currently not working for this type of graph and therefore the table toggle button will be disabled.


  • function: scatterPlot

See "show peaks above" for label and season functionality.

Schemas for the slider


Defines the time spans that the user can select using the slider for this function in the TimeSeriesDisplay. MovingAccumulationTimeSpan can only be used for functions of the following type: relativeAggregation, movingAverage, centralMovingAverage, accumulationInterval, accumulationAggregation.
Image Added


Defines the time steps that the user can select using the slider for this function in the TimeSeriesDisplay. TimeStep can only be used for functions of the following type: calendarAggregation, accumulationInterval, accumulationAggregation.
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Defines the amounts of samples that the user can select using the slider for this function in the TimeSeriesDisplay. Samples can only be used for functions of the following type: frequencyDistribution, gaussianCurve.
Image Added


Through the quickViewStatisticalFunction you can define a shortcut key (with optional icon) at the toolbar to a statistical function.


This function adds periodic time series based on the long term scroller (see highlighted in red).

This can be used to compare values of time series compared to what is “normal” on that date of different years.

Multiple different statistic types can be configured within this function, for each type a time series is added.

The statistics wil be calculated based on all values on the same day of the years, for all years included in the whole period of the long term scroller.

For this the long term scroller should be visible.

This is especially designed for time series with a daily time step.

Code Block
titleExample configuration of Long Term Periodic Function
<statisticalFunction function="longTermPeriodic" label="Long Term Periodic" ignoreMissings="true">
	<statisticType type="MIN" label="Minimum"/>
	<statisticType type="MAX" label="Maximum"/>
	<statisticType type="PERCENTILEEXCEEDENCE" value="50" label="50 percentiel"/>

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This option add a new timeseries to a plot which is the result of a statistical operation based the available timeseries in that plot. It will be filtered per parameter. E.g. if you have 4 waterlevel timeseries of 4 different gauges and you select the MAX statisticType, a new timeseries with the maximum value (per timestep) of those 4 gauges will be plotted.

Code Block
titleExample configuration of combined time series statistical functions

When this is configured a dropdown button will appear on the left of the statistic functions.

In the screenshot below the red time series has been added which is the sum of the green and blue time series:

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Descriptive Function Group


Code Block
titleExample configuration of custom time steps attibutes to show in the Resampling DialogTime Series Information Panel

	<infoAttribute id="MAAIVELD"/>
	<infoAttribute id="PEILBESLUIT"/>
	<infoAttribute id="GERELATEERD"/>


They will then appear in the Attributes table of the time series information panel:

This needs to be configured in order to prevent to many attributes to be shown.