Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
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Note: You can still use the <taskClass> tag to identify the  component by it's class name, but using the <predefinedDisplay> is the preferred way of doing this.   

Configuring a Whitelist and other options

For security reasons, an extra display configuration file named WebBrowserDisplay.xml has been added where you should list domains on the internet that are considered safe for the embedded web browser so it will allow users to navigate to web pages hosted in these domains.


Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<webBrowserDisplay xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
		<access origin="" />
		<access origin="*" />


  • sudo dnf install epel-release-latest-8.noarch
  • sudo dnf install chromium
  • sudo dnf install dbus-x11

Chromium command line switches / flags

For specific troubleshooting or configuration purposes, you can use one or more <chromiumSwitch> elements to add add standard chromium command line switches to the WebBrowserDisplay.xml configuration, like in the example configuration given above, a proxy server is configured using the --proxy-server option.

Developer Tools (debugging)

A new feature which is available in FEWS 2020.02 and later versions is the use of the Chrome Developer Tools which can be very helpful if a specific web application does not function properly in the embedded web browser. To use this, you need to run FEWS in debug mode (-Dlog.debug=true) and it will support remote debugging, to use this you open a separate Chrome browser window and enter the url "http://localhost:9222" to connect to the debugging session. See JVM options that can be applied when starting a Delft-FEWS application for more information.


