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indication of servers and system software

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Many clients wish to know what the hardware and operating system requirements are for Delft-FEWS. On this page you can find a list of specifications. If you have any question about the list, or you do not see the operating system of your choice: please contact us. This list is not exhaustive.


  • advised internal memory and CPU: 800 MB 1 GB RAM per MC instance. CPU typically Intel Xeon 2.33 GHz or equivalent.
  • operating system: Linux RedHat/CentOS/SUSE, Windows 2000/2003. Other Unix-like operating systems possible (e.g. HP-UX, Solaris), as long as there is a Sun JDK 1.5 (and 1.6 in the near future) 7 available for the OS. JBoss 4.0.2 or Weblogic 8.1 SP3 ( may be on a separate server)
  • amount needed: 1 or 2

Central Database
This is the central data repository, linked to the master controller. We support Oracle 10g (back to Oracle 9 supported), PostgreSQL 8.2, MS SQLServer 2000/2005, MS SQLServer 2008 under investigation (release of this db foreseen in autumn 2008). This list is not exhaustive, so contact us if you are thinking of using a different database or a different type.


Operator clients
The operator client (Gui) is the user end - thick client, multiplied by copying. The operator client uses a local datastore, usually MsAccess, Derby or the open source Firebird db.

  • advised internal memory and CPU: none, normal pc
  • operating system: Windows 2000/XP/2003/Windows 7/Windows 8, Linux RedHat/CentOS/SUSE
  • amount needed: as many as there are clients
  • possibilities to use under CITRIX available
  • using a mouse with scroll wheel is recommended
