Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


In this example, adding both and * allows the user to navigate all Deltares domains and subdomains (i.e., etc.) in addition to the subdomain listed in topology.xml.


After displaying a page, the content can be refreshed using the "F5" shortcut key. This also required when for example images have been changed in the background. The can be refreshed by using the F5 key.

Note: There are restrictions in Google Chrome regarding the loading of files from the local file system; links to files on the local file system (file:///) are allowed only in html documents that have been loaded from the local file system as well. In general best practice is to always use relative paths/urls to images and other files that are referred to in a html document, so if the html page is hosted on a local file system the browser would also look for included images etc. there. This restriction can not possibly be overruled by listing local files in the WebBrowserDisplay.xml white list.

Example display