Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


PI-XML example with showProducts enabled (snippet).

Code Block
<product id="aProduct" name="A Product">
    <productDate date="2019-06-25" time="11:31:59"/>
    <category id="Meteo" name="Meteo"/>
        <user>Rudie Ekkelenkamp</user>
        <comment>My product comment</comment>


The TimeSeriesSets configured for a plotId will be used to filter the timeSeries. The line, area and bar elements are used when determining the relevant TimeSeriesSets. In case of forecasts, this means only the current forecast will be retrieved. It is not possible to request older forecasts.

Request parameters

  • convertDatum (boolean): Convert values from relative location height to absolute height values. 
  • documentVersion (string, 1.9 or up): File format version (optional). For example: 1.23
  • documentFormat (string): PI_XML (default) or PI_JSON
  • endTime (dateTime: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ): End time of search period that looks for timeseries values that lie within this period.
  • locationIds (string, required): Subset of locations for which to retrieve timeseries. This parameter can be duplicated to use multiple locationIds. At least one location id is required.
  • omitMissing (boolean): Toggle omitting or returning of missing values in response
  • onlyHeaders (boolean): Toggle to return only header information or also data
  • onlyForecasts (boolean): Toggle to return only forecast timeSeries (Since 2017.02)
  • onlyManualEdits (boolean): Toggle to return only manual edits.
  • plotId (string, required): the plotId as configured in the DisplayGroups.xml for which the configured TimeSeriesSets will be determined from the line, area and bar elements.
  • showProducts (boolean): Toggle to display product information that is assigned to a forecast. (Since 2019.02).
  • showStatistics (boolean): Toggle to return statistics information about timeseries. Typically used in combination with onlyHeaders. Returns additional information about data availability of timeseries (Since 2015.01). 
    • firstValueTime: First time with a value in the timeSeries
    • lastValueTime: Last time with a value in the timeSeries
    • maxValue: Maximum value in the timeSeries
    • minValue: Minimum value in the timeSeries
    • valueCount: Number of values in the timeSeries
  • showThresholds (boolean): Option to toggle the returning of threshold information in the headers
  • showEnsembleMemberIds (boolean): Show ensemble member ids.
  • useMilliseconds (boolean) Optional argument. Default is false. If it is set to true, the response will contain milliseconds. See example bellow.
  • startTime (dateTime: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ): Start time of search period that looks for timeseries values that lie within this period.
  • useDisplayUnits (boolean): Export values using display units.
