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An example configuration containing two extents is shown below.

Code Block
titleDemo Extents
<geoDatum>WGS 1984</geoDatum>
<defaultExtent id="my_defaultZoom" name="Default">
<extraExtent id="Indonesia" name="Indonesia">


A very useful additional feature (to be used in the griddisplay only) is the feature that you can use the CTA as a real DEM and use it for plotting of water depths.
You then can easily display the water depths per pixel, based on a time series with water levels (using global datum!) and the DEM in the CTA. Therefore, enable the property useAsLocalDatumReference. Note, usesDatum in Parameters.xml for the respective parameterGroup should be set "true". The waterlevels can have any spatial distribution, like grid or polygon and should not have the exact same grid definition as the DEM. The calculation of the depths is completely on the fly and no depths have to be stored in the database.

Code Block
titleDemo of using coverageTileArchiveLayer as background map
<coverageTileArchiveLayer id="asc">

Code Block
titleDemo of using coverageTileArchiveLayer as DEM for plotting depths
<gridPlot id="Petten">
    <timeSeriesType>simulated historical</timeSeriesType>
    <timeStep unit="minute" multiplier="1"/>
    <readWriteMode>read only</readWriteMode>
    <break lowerValue="0" color="light blue" opaquenessPercentage="25"/>
    <break lowerValue="1" color="blue" opaquenessPercentage="75"/>
    <break lowerValue="2" color="purple" opaquenessPercentage="75"/>
    <geoDatum>Rijks Driehoekstelsel</geoDatum>
    <defaultExtent id="Petten testmodel">
    <extraExtent id="Nederland">
    <backgroundColor>light blue1</backgroundColor>
    <openStreetMapLayer id="osm" name="Open Street Map">
    <coverageTileArchiveLayer id="asc">


From version 2018.02 it has a standard copyright label in the right bottom corner. It needs no extra configuration and can't be turned off.

Code Block
titleDemo Open Street Map
<openStreetMapLayer id="Osm">


 Note that the wmsLayers configured in the geoMap will be used as a background layer and will not be animated over time. If you wish to show a wms layer that contains time series data, you should configure a <gridPlot> which contains a <wmsLayer> element for the layer instead. More information on configuring animated wms layers can be found on the Grid Display configuration page.

Code Block
titleDemo with clouds Europe
<wmsLayer id="meteosat">

Code Block
titleSRTM4.1 elevation map
<wmsLayer id="srtmv4.1_s0_pyramidal_color">

Code Block
titleDemo Publieke Dienst op de kaart (PDOK)
<wmsLayer id="ahn2">


An example for a label configuration is shown below.

Code Block
titleExample config for using label formatting options
<esriShapeLayer id="myPrettyLabelLayer">

Since 2017.02 for shape-layers containing points, class breaks are allowed to use icons instead of colors. If both class breaks containing icons and a pointIconId is specified, the pointIconId is used as a default when no class break applies. It is also used in the image displayed before the layer name in the layer selection panel. Note that this image will only be loaded if the layer has been loaded, i.e., was ever visible during the current session. A config example is shown below. 

Code Block
titleExample config for using class breaks with icons for esriShapeLayer containing points
<esriShapeLayer id="myPointLayer" name="Some Points">
		<break lowerValue="0" label="low" icon="green_circle.gif"/>
		<break lowerValue="1000" label="high" icon="blue_square.gif"/>
