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Table of Contents

Archive configuration

The Archives.xml can be used to configure the connection between your sa,oc or fss with the archive. For an sa or oc the configuration only consists of the catalogueUrl in case you have configured the archive according the standard (which is usually the case).


The datafolder is optional. It is used by the pi-service (rest and soap) to read the data. If the datafolder is configured the data is read from the folder directly and not from THREDDS. Reading the data directly from disk is faster than reading the data from THREDDS. So the datafolder should be the root of the datafolder of the archive as it is on the server on which the pi-service is configured.

Test of the Archive configuration

To test if the catalogue url is correct, paste the url in an internet browser. If the config is correct the response below will be visible (or something similar). The response either indicates that the catalogue is moved to another URL (releases prior to august 2020) or the response will look like


To test if the fileServer url is correct append /catalog.html to the url configured and paste this url in an intenet browser. If the url is correct a list of the files and directories in the root of the data folder in the archive will be visible. 


By default FEWS will assume that the elastic catalogue is running at the same server as the archive web application at the port 9200.


Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<archives xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

Reverse proxy

A FEWS OC or SA needs access to the catalogue to search for data in the archive. This requires direct access to elastic from a FEWS OC or SA, introducing a attack vector. Since August 2020 the Deltares Open Archive contains a read-only reverse proxy inside the Archive web application. This reverse proxy redirects only the limited set of read-only elastic requests which an FEWS OC or SA needs. The reverse proxy is available at the relative URL /elastic in the Archive web application. In order to make Operator Clients connect to the reverse proxy instead of connecting directly to elastic you should configure tag elasticSearchUrl like example below. 


You should get a response like this.

Archive database

It is possible to store scalar data inside a database instead of in netcdf files. In the Archives.xml the details of the database (URL, username and password) and the details about how to load the plugin for the archive database should be configured. At the moment there is a plugin available for MongoDB. 


The archiveDatabaseUrl and the username and password are dependent on the system setup. If you use the MongoDB-plugin then you should use the pluginClass and pluginFactoryMethod as shown in the example. The plugin can be provided by Deltares on request.

Optional binDir

You can configure a custom directory to install the jar-files of the plugin in. If you do not configure a custom pluginDir then you should located the plugin .jar file in the same directory as the FEWS jars.

Uploading edited data to the archive

When data is edited in FEWS then the data edits are by default not send to the archive. When the option uploadEditedDataToOpenArchive is set the data edits are send to the Archive.


In addition a workflow needs to scheduled to insert the data edits into the archive. More details can be found here 22-4 Merging edited data - DELFT-FEWS Documentation - Deltares Public Wiki

Custom export folders

Data is exported to the open archive according to fixed folder structure. In some cases this folder structure is customizable by using configuration options. From FEWS Release 202302 and higher it is possible to configure a custom export folder for each data type in the archive.
