Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Open the timeSeriesDisplay using the specified options. The period that is shown in the display is the smallest period that completely includes the relative view periods of all shown variables.


Title of the display window.


One or more variables to define the data that is shown in the display.


Open the timeSeriesEditor using the specified options. The data of the specified variables can be edited in the display. The period that is shown in the display is the smallest period that completely includes the relative view periods of all shown variables.


Title of the display window.


One or more variables to define the data that is shown in the display.


Run a predefined workflow.


Link properties to data configuration elements



Optional. If specified, then for this component the height attribute is linked to the data values for the specified variable. If the data value is less than dataLowerLimit, then the height is set to heightLowerLimit. If the data value is greater than dataUpperLimit, then the height is set to heightUpperLimit. If the data value is between dataLowerLimit and dataUpperLimit, then the height will be linearly interpolated between heightLowerLimit and heightUpperLimit. If no data is available, then this component is made invisible. Note: it is required that dataUpperLimit is greater than dataLowerLimit. However it is possible to define heightUpperLimit less than heightLowerLimit to control the direction of the change of the height.


The data for this variable is used to determine the height for this component.


If the data value is less than or equal to dataLowerLimit, then the height will be equal to heightLowerLimit.


If the data value is greater than or equal to dataUpperLimit, then the height will be equal to heightUpperLimit.


The height that corresponds to the dataLowerLimit value.


The height that corresponds to the dataUpperLimit value.


The anchor point describes which part of the component should remain at the same position when the height is changed.

Use Threshold Warning Level Colors Configuration Options
