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Figure 143 Example of a configuration of the Grid Display

Besides plotting a grid, it is also possible to plot scalar data  

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Figure 009 Example of a configuration of the longprofile in Grid Display

Figure 144 Root elements of the gridDisplay configuration


  • id : Id of the display group- this is used in the tree view.
  • name : Optional name of the display group- used for reference purposes only

Optional description of the display group/grid plot. Used for reference purposes only


Definition of a grid plot within the display group. Each grid plot forms a node in the tree view. When a gridPlot is selected, the appropriate maps will be displayed and the time series data retrieved from the database.


  • id : Id of the grid plot- this is used in the tree view.
  • name : Optional name of the grid plot- used for reference purposes only

Definition of the time series set to be displayed in the selected grid plot. This must obviously be a grid time series.


Definition of colours to use in displaying the dynamic grid. These are also shown in the legend on the left of the grid display (see example above).


Definition of the maps used as a background to the dynamic grid displayed. The layout and zoom extent are also defined in this element.

Definition of class breaks


  • name : name of the default zoom extent (displayed in the drop-down list)

Definition of the additional zoom extents. Multiple entries may exist.


  • name : name of the zoom extent (displayed in the drop-down list)
    left, right, top, bottom

Coordinates of the zoom extent. Note that in displaying the maps for the extent defined, the map display will be scaled to fit the extent in the current display window.


Definition of a GIS layer to be displayed.


  • id : required id of the map layer- must be unique for the current geoMap element.
  • name : optional name of the map layer defined

Optional description of the map layer. Used for reference purposes only.


Name of the class used in displaying the map layer. A different class is required for different types of GIS data.

NOTE: Defining a class name allows advanced users to add additional display functionality to the OpenMap utility, and this being used in map displays in DELFT-FEWS. See the OpenMap documentation for details on how to add additional display classes.
