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titleDBF file format

This functionality currently only works for DBF files in the dBASE III format. The Dbase file should also use the character set "Western Europe (ISO-8859-1)"


locationSets from esriShapeFile

The most useful way is first to read all locations from the DBF into one locationSet, where all attributes are assigned.
See for example:

Code Block
<locationSet id="gegevensdump" editable="false">
      <geoDatum>Rijks Driehoekstelsel</geoDatum>
      <dateTimePattern>yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss</dateTimePattern>
      <attribute id="PARENT">
      <attribute id="TYPE">
      <attribute id="CITECTLOC">
      <attribute id="IDMAP_Q">
      <attribute id="HMIN_Q">
      <attribute id="HMAX_Q">
      <attribute id="ROC_Q">

locationSets from database table

It is also possible to read locations directly from a database table. The contents of the database table are on the fly read and converted to a DBZ file. This DBZ file will be used by FEWS. This is for backup purpose in case the database is not available any more, like in stand-alone test environments.

Code Block

<locationSet id="grondwater">
    <geoDatum>Rijks Driehoekstelsel</geoDatum>
    <description>Gebiedsnaam: %GEBIEDSNAA% </description>
    <attribute id="DOMMEL_ID">
    <attribute id="TMX_ID">
    <attribute id="HARD_MAX">
    <attribute id="HARD_MIN">

In this example the above table PEILBUIZEN is read from the database and completely converted to a zipped DBase file, named PEILBUIZEN.dbz. This file is used by FEWS to read all the required data.

using attributes, constraints, relations etc.

In the above example the visibilityStartTime and visibilityEndTime tags are used to define the columns in the DBF file that contain the start and end dateTimes of the visibilityPeriod for each location. The (optional) visibilityPeriod is the period for which a location is visible in the user interface. The start and the end of the period are inclusive. Currently the visibility period is used in the map (explorer) window, the time series display and the spatial display. If startDateTime is not defined, then the location is visible for all times before endDateTime. If endDateTime is not defined, then the location is visible for all times after startDateTime. If startDateTime and endDateTime are both not defined, then the location is visible for all times. Furthermore the (optional) dateTimePattern tag is used to define the pattern for the dateTimes defined in the DBF file. If dateTimePattern is not specified, then the default pattern "yyyyMMdd" is used, which is the internal format that a DBF file uses for columns of type 'D' (date columns). The (optional) timeZoneOffset is the offset of the times in the DBF file, relative to GMT. For example "+02:00" means GMT+02:00. If no offset is specified, then time zone GMT is used by default.


In the new transformation module it is possible to define transformations with embedded coefficientSetFunctions in a transformation config file. For a given transformation, e.g. StructurePumpFixedDischarge, there is a choice between a coefficientSetFunctions object and a coefficientSet object. The coefficientSetFunctions object is the same as its corresponding coefficientSet counterpart, only all elements with a value are replaced by elements with a function. A function is a function expression that can refer to location attributes, e.g. " (discharge) / 60". See the following xml example.
