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Wind input files

At present, for different wind input files, different headers are used, which are read in different ways in the sourcecode. Some effeort has been put to in making the files more self-descriptive, readible and to make the input of the different files more consistent. For three wind-input options, a suggestion to standardise the headers is shown below. The suggestion is conform the possible transition NetCDF format in the future. See NetCDF standard names for more information on the used standard NetCDF names. Further below (in section: Integrated standardisation), an integrated file format is proposed which can be used for all wind input options. Comments are indicated by a # (this is open for discussion).

  • The Pseudo ArcInfo wind input file, with keyword in MD-file Filwp
# This file is created by Deltares
n_cols         =    201
n_rows         =    173
x0             =    -12.000
y0             =     48.000
value_pos      =    centre
#value_pos      =    corner
cellsize       =    0.12500       0.083333333
x_unit         =    degree
#x_unit         =    m
t_ref          =    20080312.000000
t_ref_unit     =    ModifiedJulianDate
t_unit         =    hrs
#t_unit         =    ModifiedJulianDate
n_quantity     =    3
quantity       =    x_wind    y_wind    air_pressure
unit           =    m s-1     m s-1     Pa
missing_value  =    -999.000
TIME           =    0.0
 1000.776001 1000.687927 1000.599976 1000.512024 1000.423950 1000.334961 1000.245911 1000.156921 1000.067932
TIME           =    120.0
 1000.786001 1000.637927 1000.579976 1000.582024 1000.424950 1000.324961 1000.265911 1000.159921 1000.060932
  • The wind on a curvi-linear grid input file, with keyword in MD-file Fwndgp
# This file is created by Deltares
grid_file      =    hirlam.grd
first_row      =    nmax
last_row       =    1
first_col      =    1
last_col       =    mmax
t_ref          =    20080312.000000
t_ref_unit     =    ModifiedJulianDate
t_unit         =    hrs
n_quantity     =    1
quantity       =    air_pressure
unit           =    Pa
missing_value  =    -999.0
TIME           =    2130
 101894.125 101880.625 101867.125 101853.625 101840.625 101827.125 101813.125 101798.625 101784.625 101769.625 101754.125 101739.125 101723.625 
TIME           =    2273.0
 100038.75 100037.25 100035.75 100035.25 100035.25 100035.25 100036.5 100038.0 100039.75 100042.25 100045.0 100048.0 100052.0 100056.0 100060.0 
  • The Spiderweb wind input file, with keyword in MD-file Filweb
# This file is created by Deltares
# Spiders web derived from TRACK file: 19991026_0000.imd
# Wind direction winddir = where it blows from, degrees from true north
n_cols         =    400
n_rows         =    16
radius         =    600000.00
rad_unit       =    m
x_unit         =    degree
#x_unit         =    m
t_ref          =    19991026.000000
t_ref_unit     =    ModifiedJulianDate
t_unit         =    min
#t_unit         =    hrs
n_quantity     =    3
quantity       =    wind_speed     wind_from_direction     p_drop
unit           =    m s-1          degree                  Pa
missing_value  =    -999.000
TIME           =    0.0000000E+00
x0             =    115.4
y0             =    18.9
p_drop_eye     =    -5300
 1.388999       1.388999       1.388999       1.388999       1.388999      1.388999       1.388999       1.388999       1.388999       1.388999    
 155.0000       346.2500       357.5000       8.750000       20.00000      31.25000       42.50000       53.75000       65.00000       76.25000    
 5300.000       5300.000       5300.000       5300.000       5300.000      5300.000       5300.000       5300.000       5300.000       5300.000    
TIME           =    1440
x0             =    114.4000
y0             =    18.90000              
p_drop_eye     =    -5300.000
 2.435253       2.435253       2.435253       2.435253       2.435253      2.435253       2.435253       2.435253       2.435253       2.435253    
 65.01978       75.11859       85.25320       95.45370       105.7529      116.1833       126.7762       137.5612       148.5649       159.8090    
 5298.544       5298.544       5298.544       5298.544       5298.544      5298.544       5298.544       5298.544       5298.544       5298.544    

Integrated standardisation

An integrated file format, suitable for all wind input, might look as follows:

# This file is created by Deltares
# Additional commments
# General part:
t_ref          =    19991026.000000                                    # Reference time
t_ref_unit     =    ModifiedJulianDate                                 # Unit used for reference time  
t_unit         =    min                                                # Time unit (sec, min, hrs, etc.)
#t_unit         =    hrs                            
missing_value  =    -999.000                                           # Value used for undefined or missing data
# For Pseudo ArcInfo or Spiderweb wind:
n_cols         =    400                                                # Number of columns used for wind datafield
n_rows         =    16                                                 # Number of rows used for wind datafield
x_unit         =    degree                                             # Unit of distances on the grid
#x_unit         =    m       
# Only for Pseudo ArcInfo wind:
x0             =    -12.000                                            # Xcoordinate of starting point of grid (in units specified in x_unit)
y0             =     48.000                                            # Ycoordinate of starting point of grid (in units specified in x_unit)
value_pos      =    centre                                             # Location where the data is specified in a cell (centre or corner)
#value_pos      =    corner                         
cell_size      =    0.12500       0.083333333                          # Grid dimensions: dx and dy (in units specified in x_unit)
n_quantity     =    3                                                  # Number of quantities prescribed in the file
quantity       =    x_wind        y_wind          air_pressure         # Names of the quantities
unit           =    m s-1         m s-1           Pa                   # Units of the quantities
# Only for Spiderweb wind: 
radius         =    600000.00                                          # Radius of spiderweb (in units specified in rad_unit)
rad_unit       =    m                                                  # Unit of radius 
n_quantity     =    3                                                  # Number of quantities prescribed in the file
quantity       =    wind_speed   wind_from_direction   p_drop          # Names of the quantities
unit           =    m s-1        degree                Pa              # Units of the quantities
# Only for wind on a separate curvi-linear grid:
grid_file      =    hirlam.grd                                         # Separate (curvi-linear) grid on which the wind can be specified
first_row      =    nmax                                               # These four parameters determine the order in which the data 
last_row       =    1                                                  # is read from the separate wind file. In this way, data which is 
first_col      =    1                                                  # supplied in a reversed order, can also be read.
last_col       =    mmax 
n_quantity     =    1                                                  # Number of quantities prescribed in the file
quantity       =    air_pressure                                       # Names of the quantities
unit           =    Pa                                                 # Units of the quantities
TIME           =    0.0000000E+00                                      # Time where first dataset is supplied
# Only for Spiderweb wind (every TIME input): 
x0             =    115.4                                              # Xcoordinate of cyclone eye (Spiderweb centre) at specified TIME 
y0             =    18.9                                               # Ycoordinate of cyclone eye (Spiderweb centre) at specified TIME 
p_drop_eye     =    5300                                               # Pressure drop at cyclone eye (Spiderweb centre) at specified TIME 
# Actual data field
 1.388999       1.388999       1.388999       1.388999       1.388999      1.388999       1.388999       1.388999       1.388999       1.388999    
 155.0000       346.2500       357.5000       8.750000       20.00000      31.25000       42.50000       53.75000       65.00000       76.25000    
 5300.000       5300.000       5300.000       5300.000       5300.000      5300.000       5300.000       5300.000       5300.000       5300.000    
TIME           =    1440                                               # Time where next dataset is supplied
x0             =    114.4000                                           # Xcoordinate of cyclone eye (Spiderweb centre) at specified TIME 
y0             =    18.90000                                           # Ycoordinate of cyclone eye (Spiderweb centre) at specified TIME          
p_drop_eye     =    5300.000                                           # Pressure drop at cyclone eye (Spiderweb centre) at specified TIME 
 2.435253       2.435253       2.435253       2.435253       2.435253      2.435253       2.435253       2.435253       2.435253       2.435253    
 65.01978       75.11859       85.25320       95.45370       105.7529      116.1833       126.7762       137.5612       148.5649       159.8090    
 5298.544       5298.544       5298.544       5298.544       5298.544      5298.544       5298.544       5298.544       5298.544       5298.544    
  • No labels