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package nl.deltares.hydrotel;

import nl.wldelft.netcdf.NetcdfUtils;
import nl.wldelft.util.Box;
import nl.wldelft.util.FastDateFormat;
import nl.wldelft.util.FileUtils;
import nl.wldelft.util.TextUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator;
import ucar.ma2.Array;
import ucar.ma2.ArrayDouble;
import ucar.ma2.ArrayFloat;
import ucar.ma2.DataType;
import ucar.ma2.InvalidRangeException;
import ucar.nc2.Attribute;
import ucar.nc2.Dimension;
import ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile;
import ucar.nc2.NetcdfFileWriter;
import ucar.nc2.Variable;
import ucar.nc2.constants.CDM;
import ucar.nc2.constants.CF;
import ucar.nc2.units.DateUnit;
import ucar.nc2.units.TimeUnit;

import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.TreeSet;

import static nl.wldelft.netcdf.NetcdfUtils.T_AXIS;

public class HydrotelPostAdapter {
    private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(HydrotelPostAdapter.class);
    private static final String PROPERTIES = "properties";
    private static final String SORTIES_HYDROTEL = "sortiesHydrotel";
    private static final String SAUVEGARDE_ETATS = "sauvegardeEtats";
    private static final String RESULTS_OFFSET = "resultsOffset";
    private static final String TIME_VARIABLE_NAME = CF.TIME;
    private static final String STANDARD_NAME_ATTRIBUTE = CF.STANDARD_NAME;
    private static final String LONG_NAME_ATTRIBUTE = CDM.LONG_NAME;
    private static final String UNITS_ATTRIBUTE = CDM.UNITS;
    private static final String AXIS_ATTRIBUTE = CF.AXIS;

    private final File runFile;
    private Path runPath = null;
    private NetcdfFile netcdfRunFile = null;
    private String logLevel = "INFO";
    private static final String LOG_LEVEL = "log_level";
    private static final String WORK_DIR = "work_dir";
    private static final String START_TIME = "start_time";
    private String workDirString = null;
    private static final String OUTPUT_NETCDF_FILES_VARIABLE_NAME = "output_netcdf_files";
    private File workDirFile = null;
    private String[] outputTimeSeriesFiles = null;
    private String[] outputValuesHydrotel = null;
    private double startDateTime = 0.0;
    private static final TimeZone EST = TimeZone.getTimeZone("EST");
    private static final FastDateFormat YYYY_MM_DDHHMM = FastDateFormat.getInstance("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm", EST, Locale.CANADA, null);
    private static final FastDateFormat YYYYMMDDHH = FastDateFormat.getInstance("yyyyMMddHH", EST, Locale.CANADA, null);
    private boolean sauvegardeEtatsBool = false;
    private int outputOffsetMinutes = 0;

    private HydrotelPostAdapter(File runFile) {
        this.runFile = runFile;

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        if (args.length != 1)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Specify either one argument that is the path to the run file, or 4 arguments that are 'work dir', input file, output file and 'log HZ reeks'.");
        File runFile = new File(args[0]);
        if (!runFile.exists()) throw new Exception("Can not find run file specified as argument " + runFile);
        HydrotelPostAdapter adapter = new HydrotelPostAdapter(runFile);
        try {
            if (log.isInfoEnabled())"HydrotelAdapter run finished without exception");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            throw e;
        } finally {

    private void run() throws Exception {

        try {
            runPath = runFile.getParentFile().toPath();
            String absolutePath = runFile.getAbsolutePath();
            netcdfRunFile =;
        } finally {
        if (sauvegardeEtatsBool) copyOutputStateFiles();

    private void copyOutputStateFiles() throws IOException {
        File etatDir = new File(workDirFile, "etat");
        File outputStatesDir = new File(workDirFile, "output/states");
        File[] stateFiles = etatDir.listFiles((dir, name) -> {
            try {
                int length = name.length();
                if (length < 14) return false;
                String substring = name.substring(length - 14, length - 4);
                long stateTime = YYYYMMDDHH.parseToMillis(substring);
                return stateTime > startDateTime;
            } catch (ParseException e) {
                return false;
        if (stateFiles == null) return;
        for (File stateFile : stateFiles) {
            String name = stateFile.getName();
            String substring = name.substring(0, name.length() - 15);
            File targetFile = new File(outputStatesDir, substring + ".csv");
            FileUtils.copy(stateFile, targetFile);

    private void readRunInfoFile() throws Exception {
        logLevel = netcdfRunFile.findVariable(LOG_LEVEL).readScalarString();
        String relativeWorkDirString = String.valueOf((char[]) netcdfRunFile.findVariable(WORK_DIR).read().copyToNDJavaArray()).trim();
        if (TextUtils.equals(relativeWorkDirString, ".")) {
            workDirString = runPath.toString();
        } else {
            workDirString = runPath.resolve(new File(relativeWorkDirString).toPath()).toString();
        workDirFile = new File(workDirString);
        if (!workDirFile.exists()) {
            throw new Exception("Work dir not found: " + workDirString);
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("HydrotelAdapter started");

        if (log.isInfoEnabled())"Work dir: " + workDirString);

    private void readStartEndTime() throws Exception {
        Variable startTimeVar = netcdfRunFile.findVariable(START_TIME);
        double relativeStartDateTime = startTimeVar.readScalarDouble();
        Attribute units = startTimeVar.findAttribute("units");
        String tunitsString = units.getStringValue();
        if (log.isInfoEnabled())"INFO: Start time: " + relativeStartDateTime + ' ' + tunitsString);
        DateUnit referenceUnit = new DateUnit(units.getStringValue());
        long currentReferenceTime = referenceUnit.getDateOrigin().getTime();
        TimeUnit timeUnit = referenceUnit.getTimeUnit();
        startDateTime = timeUnit.getValueInSeconds(relativeStartDateTime) * 1000 + currentReferenceTime;

    private void getProperties() throws Exception {
        Variable var = netcdfRunFile.findVariable(PROPERTIES);
        String sortiesHydrotel = getPropertyStringValue(var, SORTIES_HYDROTEL);
        outputValuesHydrotel = sortiesHydrotel.split(";");
        String sauvegardeEtats = getPropertyStringValue(var, SAUVEGARDE_ETATS);
        sauvegardeEtatsBool = sauvegardeEtats != null ? Boolean.valueOf(sauvegardeEtats) : false;
        Integer resultsOffsetPropertyIntValue = getPropertyIntValue(var, RESULTS_OFFSET);
        outputOffsetMinutes = resultsOffsetPropertyIntValue != null ? resultsOffsetPropertyIntValue : 0;

    private void getOutputFiles() throws IOException {
        Variable outputNetcdfVar = netcdfRunFile.findVariable(OUTPUT_NETCDF_FILES_VARIABLE_NAME);
        Array outputNetcdfArray =;
        Object outputTimeSeriesFilesNDArrayObject = outputNetcdfArray.copyToNDJavaArray();
        char[][] outputTimeSeriesFilesChar = (char[][]) outputTimeSeriesFilesNDArrayObject;

        List<String> outputTimeSeriesFilesList = new ArrayList<>();

        for (char[] chArray : outputTimeSeriesFilesChar) {
            File outputFileRelativePath = new File(String.valueOf(chArray).trim());
            String absoluteFilePath = runPath.resolve(outputFileRelativePath.toPath()).toString();

        outputTimeSeriesFiles = new String[outputTimeSeriesFilesList.size()];

    private void configureLogging() {
        File logFile = new File(workDirFile, "hydrotel_post_adapter.log");
        if (logFile.exists()) {
            //noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored
        Properties props = new Properties();
        props.setProperty("log4j.rootLogger", logLevel + ", hydrotel");
        props.setProperty("log4j.appender.hydrotel.File", logFile.getAbsolutePath());
        props.setProperty("log4j.appender.hydrotel", "org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender");
        props.setProperty("log4j.appender.hydrotel.layout", "org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout");
        props.setProperty("log4j.appender.hydrotel.layout.ConversionPattern", "%p - %m \n");
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Debug log level enabled");
        if (log.isInfoEnabled())"Info log level enabled");

    private void convertTimeSeries() throws Exception {
        for (String outputTimeSeriesFile : outputTimeSeriesFiles) {
            if (outputTimeSeriesFile.endsWith("")) {

    private void writeResults(String outputTimeSeriesFile) throws IOException, InvalidRangeException, ParseException {
        File file = new File(outputTimeSeriesFile);
        //noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored
        NetcdfFileWriter netcdfFileWriter = null;
        Map<String, Float> map = getWeights();
        try {
            netcdfFileWriter = NetcdfFileWriter.createNew(NetcdfFileWriter.Version.netcdf3, outputTimeSeriesFile);

            File resultDir = new File(workDirString, "simulation/simulation/resultat");
            Set<Long> times = new TreeSet<>();
            List<Box<String, List<Float>>> values = new ArrayList<>();
            for (int j = 0; j < outputValuesHydrotel.length; j++) {
                String outputValue = outputValuesHydrotel[j];
                if (outputValue.equals("DEBITS AVAL")) outputValue = "DEBIT_AVAL";
                String outputFileName = outputValue.toLowerCase().replaceAll(" ", "_");

                File resultFile = new File(resultDir, outputFileName + ".csv");
                if (!resultFile.exists()) {
                    log.error("Result File: " + resultFile + " not found.");
                readValuesFromCsvFile(map, times, values, resultFile, outputValue);
            String timeUnitString = NetcdfUtils.createTimeUnitString(EST);
            //create time dimension.
            Dimension timeDimension = netcdfFileWriter.addDimension(null, TIME_VARIABLE_NAME, times.size());

            //create time variable.
            ArrayList<Dimension> timeDimensionList = new ArrayList<>();
            Variable timeVariable = createTimeVariable(netcdfFileWriter, timeUnitString, timeDimensionList);

            Variable[] variables = createVariables(netcdfFileWriter, timeDimension, values);
            writeValues(netcdfFileWriter, times, values, variables, timeVariable);
        } finally {
            if (netcdfFileWriter != null) netcdfFileWriter.close();

    private static Variable createTimeVariable(NetcdfFileWriter netcdfFileWriter, String timeUnitString, ArrayList<Dimension> timeDimensionList) {
        Variable timeVariable = netcdfFileWriter.addVariable(null, TIME_VARIABLE_NAME, DataType.DOUBLE, timeDimensionList);
        netcdfFileWriter.addVariableAttribute(timeVariable, new Attribute(STANDARD_NAME_ATTRIBUTE, TIME_VARIABLE_NAME));
        netcdfFileWriter.addVariableAttribute(timeVariable, new Attribute(LONG_NAME_ATTRIBUTE, TIME_VARIABLE_NAME));
        netcdfFileWriter.addVariableAttribute(timeVariable, new Attribute(UNITS_ATTRIBUTE, timeUnitString));
        netcdfFileWriter.addVariableAttribute(timeVariable, new Attribute(AXIS_ATTRIBUTE, T_AXIS));
        return timeVariable;

    private void writeValues(NetcdfFileWriter netcdfFileWriter, Set<Long> times, List<Box<String, List<Float>>> values, Variable[] variables, Variable timeVariable) throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {
        writeTimeValues(netcdfFileWriter, times, timeVariable);
        for (int j = 0, size = values.size(); j < size; j++) {
            List<Float> floats = values.get(j).getObject1();
            ArrayFloat.D1 array = new ArrayFloat.D1(times.size());
            for (int i = 0; i < times.size(); i++) {
                array.set(i, floats.get(i));
            netcdfFileWriter.write(variables[j], array);

    private void writeTimeValues(NetcdfFileWriter netcdfFileWriter, Set<Long> times, Variable timeVariable) throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {
        ArrayDouble.D1 timeArray = new ArrayDouble.D1(times.size());
        int i = 0;
        for (Long time : times) {
            long minutes = time / nl.wldelft.util.TimeUnit.MINUTE_MILLIS + outputOffsetMinutes;
            timeArray.set(i++, minutes);
        netcdfFileWriter.write(timeVariable, timeArray);

    private static Variable[] createVariables(NetcdfFileWriter netcdfFileWriter, Dimension timeDimension, List<Box<String, List<Float>>> values) {

        List<Dimension> dims = new ArrayList<>();
        int size = values.size();
        Variable[] variables = new Variable[size];

        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            String outputVarName = values.get(i).getObject0();
            variables[i] = netcdfFileWriter.addVariable(null, outputVarName.toLowerCase(), DataType.FLOAT, dims);
        return variables;

    private static void readValuesFromCsvFile(Map<String, Float> map, Set<Long> times, List<Box<String, List<Float>>> values, File resultFile, String outputValue) throws IOException, ParseException {
        try (LineReader lineReader = new LineReader(resultFile, Charset.defaultCharset())) {
            String line = lineReader.readLine();
            String[] ids = line.split(";");
            line = lineReader.readLine();
            List<Float> floats = new ArrayList<>();
            while (line != null) {
                String[] columns = line.split(";");
                long parse = YYYY_MM_DDHHMM.parseToMillis(columns[0]);
                float value = resultFile.getName().equals("debit_aval.csv") ? Float.valueOf(columns[1]) : getWeightedValue(map, ids, columns);
                line = lineReader.readLine();
            values.add(new Box(outputValue, floats));

    private static float getWeightedValue(Map<String, Float> map, String[] ids, String[] columns) {
        float sum = 0.0f;
        float totalWeight = 0.0f;
        for (int i = 1; i < ids.length; i++) {
            String id = ids[i];
            Float weight = map.get(id);
            if (weight == null || weight == 0.0) continue;
            totalWeight += weight;
            sum += weight * Float.valueOf(columns[i]);
        return sum / totalWeight;

    private Map<String, Float> getWeights() throws IOException {
        File weightFile = new File(workDirFile, "info/uhrh_amont.txt");
        Map<String, Float> map = new HashMap<>();
        try (LineReader lineReader = new LineReader(weightFile, Charset.defaultCharset())) {
            String line = lineReader.readLine();
            while (line != null) {
                String[] columns = line.split(";");
                String id = columns[0];
                float weight = Float.valueOf(columns[1]);
                map.put(id, weight);
                line = lineReader.readLine();
        return map;

    private static String getPropertyStringValue(Variable propertiesVariable, String propertyName) throws Exception {
        if (propertiesVariable == null) return null;
        Attribute attribute = propertiesVariable.findAttribute(propertyName);
        if (attribute == null) return null;

        String value = attribute.getStringValue();
        if (value == null || value.trim().isEmpty()) {
            throw new Exception("Property '" + propertyName + "' in netcdf run file is empty or is not of type String.");

        String trimmedValue = value.trim();
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("Read property " + propertyName + " with value '" + trimmedValue + "' from netcdf run file.");
        return trimmedValue;

    private static Integer getPropertyIntValue(Variable propertiesVariable, String propertyName) throws Exception {
        if (propertiesVariable == null) return null;
        Attribute attribute = propertiesVariable.findAttribute(propertyName);
        if (attribute == null) return null;

        Number value = attribute.getNumericValue();
        if (value == null) {
            throw new Exception("Property '" + propertyName + "' in netcdf run file is empty or is not of type String.");
        return value.intValue();

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