Why arrays are bigger on 64 bit windows:


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  1. Unknown User (qinghua.ye@wldelft.nl)

    If I understood correctly, he states that the array list generate from generic List<T> is better than that inherit from ArrayList structure(where the Object[] pointer is behind).

    The point is to use wisely correct template to generate list on whatever 64 bit or 32 bit. Furthermore, people might have to be more careful on 64 bit software than simply on 32 bit one.

    In more detail, to host 8M integer (4 byte),

    For 32 bit For 64 bit
    Arraylist(Object[]) 19M=11M+8M 39=23+16 (8M integer in 8 byte)
    List<T> 8M 8.1M

    So using List<T> is better.